Am 01.07.2014 um 16:57 schrieb Yuri Teixeira : > Sorry hit send too soon > > I'm trying to do this > doing this \m{T_{\alpha}^{\beta}_{\gamma}} and this \m{T^{\alpha}_{\beta}^{\gamma}} > but I get errors for double subscript and double superscript respectively. > Then I'm doing this as a workaround T_{\alpha~\gamma}^{~\beta~} > But the ~ has the fixed width of a digit, or so I read, and I get a less optimal spacing in this case \m{T^{i~k~m}_{~j~l~n}} in which the 'm' appears to be after the 'n'. > I'm using version 2014-05-21_22:04 on debian testing so excuse me if this has been changed. \starttext \startformula T_\alpha {}^\beta {}_\gamma \stopformula \stoptext Wolfgang