Johannes, Hans will help you with the Context way, if there is one. What I like to do is get the graphics the right size before I use them. I always use a scaling factor in my MP code. For example, let's say I want a figure that is 3 inches wide. %initialize scale numeric u; 5u=3in; %initialize points pair A, B, C, D, E; A:=origin; B:=(3u,0); C:=(5u,0); D:=(5u,3u); E:=(0,5u); %draw frame draw A--B--C--D--B--E--cycle; Note that this is exactly 3inches wide. Now, suppose I change my mind and I want it to be 4inches wide. This is all I have to do: %initialize scale numeric u; 5u=4in; %initialize points pair A, B, C, D, E; A:=origin; B:=(3u,0); C:=(5u,0); D:=(5u,3u); E:=(0,5u); %draw frame draw A--B--C--D--B--E--cycle; Notice that nothing changes save my scaling factor. So, good advance planning is a savior. I've attached some more code where you can see this in action. At 10:06 PM 11/28/00 +0100, you wrote: >Hi all, >In the beginner's book it says that \useexternalfigure can go with the >option height=, width=. Obviously, \useMPgraphics does not provide >such an option (at least it would print out the option as plain >text). So what is the ConTeXt way to include MP graphics and scale >them? > >Groetjes > > >Johannes >-- >Johannes Hüsing /"\ ASCII-Ribbon Campaign > \ / against HTML > X in e-mail and news > / \ > >