%output=pdf \environment layout \starttext \section{Absolute Value} One of the most important applications of piecewise functions is absolute value. In previous courses, a simplistic notion of absolute value is sufficient, but this will not be the case in advanced courses such as calculus. However, your intuitive notion of absolute value remains valid: the absolute value of a number produces a nonnegative\footnote{A nonnegative number is a number that is not negative; i.e., the number is either positive or zero.} result. There are two distinct cases to consider. First, if a number is nonnegative (positive or zero) its absolute value is itself. For example, \placeformula[-] \startformula \eqalign{ |0|&=0,\cr |1|&=1,\cr |2|&=2,\cr } \stopformula that is, if $x\ge 0$, then $|x|=x$. The second case is similar, but somewhat counter intuitive at first inspection. If a number is negative, then the absolute value negates the number so that the resulting number is positive. For example, \placeformula[-] \startformula \eqalign{ |-3|&=-(-3)=3,\cr |-2|&=-(-2)=2,\cr |-1|&=-(-1)=1.\cr } \stopformula That is, if $x<0$, then $|x|=-x$. Let's summarize these results in a definition. \startdefinition[section4:definition1] If x is any real number then \placeformula[-] \startformula |x|= \cases{ -x,& if $x<0$,\cr x,& if $\ge 0$.\cr } \stopformula \stopdefinition It is helpful to be familiar with the graph of the absolute value function. \startexample[section4:example1] Sketch the graph of $y=|x|$. {\bf Solution}. According to \in{Definition}[section4:definition1], there are two cases. First, if $x<0$, then $y=-x$. The graph of $y=-x$ is a line with the slope $-1$ that passes through the origin. Calculate two points that satisfy the equation $y=-x$. If is essential you use the endpoint at $x=0$, but you can select any other $x$-value, provided $x<0$. Thus, \placeformula[-] \startformula \eqalign{ x&=0\Longrightarrow y=-0=0,\cr x&=-1\Longrightarrow y=-(-1)=1.\cr } \stopformula Plot these points, then draw a ray, emanating from $(0,0)$ and passing through the point $(-1,1)$, as shown in \in{Figure}[section4:fig1]. %\placefigure % [here][section4:fig1] % {The graph of $y=-x$, $x<0$.} % {\externalfigure[section4figs.pdf][page=1] In the second case, if $x\ge 0$, the \in{Definition}[section4:definition1] tells us that $y=x$. This is a line with slope 1 that passes through the origin. However, $y=x$ only if $x\ge 0$, so we must keep this in mind when selecting $x$-values. We have to use the endpoint at $x=0$, but we are free to pick any second value of $x$ as long as it is greater than zero. Thus, \placeformula[-] \startformula \eqalign{ x&=0\Longrightarrow y=0,\cr x&=1\Longrightarrow y=1.\cr } \stopformula Plot these points, then draw a ray, emanating from the origin at $(0,0)$ and passing through the point $(1,1)$. This result is added to \in{Figure}[section4:fig1] and shown in \in{Figure}[section4:fig2]. %\placefigure % [here][section4:fig2] % {Adding the line $y=x$, $x\ge 0$, to the partial result shown in \in{Figure}[section4:fig1]} % {\externalfigure[section4figs.pdf][page=2] The final graph, shown in \in{Figure}[section4:fig3], should be memorized, as it is absolutely fundamental to a proper understanding of absolute value. %\placefigure % [here][section4:fig3] % {The completed graph of $y=|x|$.} % {\externalfigure[section4figs.pdf][page=3] \subsection{Using the Number Line} When working with absolute value, it's helpful to summarize sign information on a number line. \startexample[section4:example2] Analyze the sign of $f(x)=x-2$ and summarize your findings on a number line. {\bf Solution}. First, note that the function is zero at $x=2$. The value $x=2$ is ``critical'' to the discussion of the sign $f(x)=x-2$. Locate $x=2$ on a number line, as shown in \in{Figure}[section4:fig4]. %\placefigure % [here][section4:fig4] % {A ``critical'' value at $x=2$.} % {\externalfigure[section4figs.pdf][page=4] Note that the critical value at $x=2$ divides the number line in two pieces. You need to evaluate the sign of $f(x)=x-2$ on each side of the critical value on the number line. This is most easily accomplished by evaluating the function at a particular $x$-value on each side of the critical value. For example, if $x=1$, then $f(1)=1-2=-1$ is negative. Indeed, the function is negative for any $x$-value selected to the left of 2 (check this). This fact is indicated by placing a negative sign below the number line to the left of 2, as shown in \in{Figure}[section4:fig5]. %\placefigure % [here][section4:fig5] % {Caption} % {\externalfigure[section4figs.pdf][page=5] Next, evaluate the function at an $x$-value that lies to the right of the critical value at $x=2$. For example, if $x=3$, then $f(x)=3-2=1$ is positive. Again, the function is positive for any $x$-value you select to the right of 2 (check this). This fact is indicated by placing a plus sign below the number line, as shown in \in{Figure}[section4:fig6]. %\placefigure % [here][section4:fig6] % {Caption} % {\externalfigure[section4figs.pdf][page=6] Therefore, if $x<2$, $f(x)=x-2$ is negative, and if $x>2$, then $f(x)=x-2$ is positive. \stopexample \subsection{Piecewise Definition of Absolute Value} By analyzing the sign of the function bound by absolute value bars, you can remove the absolute value bars and craft a piecewise definition for your function. \startexample[section4:example3] Craft a piecewise definition for $f(x)=|x-2|$. Use your definition to sketch the graph of $f$. {\bf Solution}. We did complete analysis of the sign of $x-2$ in \in{Example}[section4:example2]. If $x<2$, we see in \in{Figure}[section4:fig6] that $x-2$ is negative. If $x-2$ is negative, then the absolute value must change $x-2$ into a positive number. This is accomplished by negating $x-2$. Thus, \placeformula[-] \startformula x-2<0\Longrightarrow|x-2|=-(x-2). \stopformula Equivalently, \placeformula[-] \startformula x<2\Longrightarrow|x-2|=-x+2. \stopformula That is, if $x$ is to the left of the critical number at 2. Then, $|x-2|=\x+2$. This fact is summarized on the number line in \in{Figure}[section4:fig7]. %\placefigure % [here][section4:fig7] % {If $x<2$, then $|x-2|=-x+2$.} % {\externalfigure[section4figs.pdf][page=7] On the other hand, in \in{Figure}[section4:fig6], not that $x-2$ is positive, then the absolute value has nothing to do. That is, \placeformula[-] \startformula x-2>0\Longrightarrow|x-2|=x-2. \stopformula Equivalently, \placeformula[-] \startformula x>2\Longrightarrow|x-2|=x-2. \stopformula That is, if $x$ lies to the right of the critical number at 2, then $|x-2|=x-2$. This is summarized on the number line in \in{Figure}[section4:fig8]. %\placefigure % [here][section4:fig8] % {If $x\ge 2$, then $|x-2|$=x-2$.} % {\externalfigure[section4figs.pdf][page=8] The information provided by the number line in \in{Figure}[section4:fig8] allows us to easily create a piecewise definition for the function $f(x)=|x-2|$. \placeformula[-] \startformula f(x)=|x-2|= \cases{ -x+2,& if $x<2$,\cr x-2,& if $x\ge 2$.\cr } \stopformula If $x<2$, then $f(x)=-x+2$ and the graph is a line with slope $-1$ and intercept 2. Calculate two points, one of which is the endpoint at $x=2$, the other having $x$-value less than 2. \placeformula[-] \startformula \eqalign{ f(2)&=-2+2=0\cr f(1)&=-1+2=1\cr } \stopformula Thus, the graph of $f(x)=-x+2$ is a ray, emanating from the point $(2,0)$ and passing through the point $(1,1)$, as shown in \in{Figure}[section4:fig9]. %\placefigure % [here][section4:fig9] % {If $x<2$, then $|x-2|=-x+2$.} % {\externalfigure[section4figs.pdf][page=9] If $x>2$, then $f(x)=x-2$ and the graph is aline with slope 1 and intercept $-2$. Calculate two points, one of which is the endpoint at $x=2$, the other having $x$-value greater than 2. \placeformula[-] \startformula \eqalign{ f(2)&=2-2=0\cr f(3)&=3-2=1\cr } \stopformula \stopexample \stoptext