All, This is a record of my attempt to install the latest version of Context with Miktex 1.20c. I am going to journal each move I make as I make it. Here goes. 1. Download 2. Delete old Context stuff from \texmf tree, keeping only the following files: \texmf\context\perltk\texexec.exe (formerly created by renaming runperl.exe) \texmf\context\perltk\texutil.exe (formerly created by renaming runperl.exe) \texmf\tex\context\config\cont-user.tex \texmf\tex\context\base\cont-user.tex (Hmmm.... why have I got this file in two places?) \texmf\tex\context\base\cont-sys.tex When deleting the old stuff, I very carefully looked at the stuff in and visited each directory listed to delete old files. I then used the find utility to search the \texmf tree for all instances of Context, just to check if there were other directories I should attend to. There were none. I did the same search with my \localtexmf directory. No instances of Context there. So I am pretty sure I've deleted my old version of Context. 3. Unzip, keeping directory structure in place. I said no to overwriting cont-user.tex, and surprisingly, said yes to overwriting \dvips\config\ (looks like I forgot to delete one file). 4. Opened \texmf\context\perltk\texexec.rme, changed one setting: %set TeXShell to tetex %set TeXShell to fptex set TeXShell to miktex %set TeXShell to private As you can see, I commented set TeXShell to tetex and uncommented set TeXShell to miktex. I saved this file to \texmf\context\perltk\texexec.ini. Note: I have \texmf\context\perltk on my path. F:\MultCalcUsingMatlab>path PATH=F:\TEXMF\CONTEXT\PERLTK;C:\PERL\BIN;F:\TEXMF\MIKTEX\BIN;C:\WINDOWS;C:\W INDO WS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND;C:\YANDY\YANDYTEX\;C:\EMTEX\BIN;C:\RSX\BIN;E:\JDK1.1.7 A\BI N;E:\DJGPP\BIN 5. Typed texexec --verbose at the DOS prompt. I was rewarded with F:\MultCalcUsingMatlab>texexec --verbose TeXExec 1.4 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-1999 locating ini file : kpsewhich not found in path locating ini file : found by searching reading : F:\TEXMF\CONTEXT\PERLTK\texexec.ini setting : 'TeXShell' to 'miktex' for 'all' setting : 'UsedInterfaces' to 'en,nl,de,uk' for 'all' setting : 'UserInterface' to 'en' for 'all' setting : 'TeXExecutable' to 'tex' for 'all' setting : 'MpExecutable' to 'mpost' for 'all' setting : 'MpToTeXExecutable' to 'mpto' for 'all' setting : 'DviToMpExecutable' to 'dvitomp' for 'all' setting : 'UsedInterfaces' to 'en,nl,de,uk' for 'miktex' setting : 'UserInterface' to 'en' for 'miktex' setting : 'TeXExecutable' to 'pdftex' for 'miktex' setting : 'TeXFormatFlag' to '&' for 'miktex' setting : 'TeXVirginFlag' to '--initialize' for 'miktex' used setting : TeXShell = miktex used setting : SetupPath = used setting : UserInterface = en used setting : UsedInterfaces = en,nl,de,uk used setting : MpExecutable = mpost used setting : MpToTeXExecutable = mpto used setting : DviToMpExecutable = dvitomp used setting : TexProgramPath = used setting : TeXFormatPath = used setting : ConTeXtPath = used setting : TeXScriptsPath = used setting : TeXExecutable = pdftex used setting : TexVirginFlag = -ini used setting : TeXFormatFlag = & --help show this or more, e.g. '--help interface' At this moment I have some concern that some settings in lower half are blank. Proceeding anyway, as I read in texexec.rme that some settings only need to be set if the automatic searching routines fail. 6. Ran texexec --make Oh!Oh! Problems. Stops with warning it cannot find core-mps.tex. Hit Enter to continue, but stops with wanring it cannot find core-hlp.tex. This sequence occured 4 separate times, producing at the end the following: Beginning to dump on file cont-uk.fmt (preloaded format=cont-uk 1999.8.23) 21968 strings of total length 330195 260620 memory locations dumped; current usage is 84&258301 20209 multiletter control sequences \font\nullfont=nullfont 0 words of font info for 0 preloaded fonts 14 hyphenation exceptions Hyphenation trie of length 25642 has 698 ops out of 2048 187 for language 5 9 for language 4 86 for language 3 235 for language 2 181 for language 0 No pages of output. Transcript written on cont-uk.log. executable : pdftex format(s) : en nl de uk Concerned with -uk format at the moment. Should I have US something or other? Also concerned where that format file got dumped. Looks like it got dumped into the current directory, which is not what I want. It needs to go in \localtexmf\miktex\fmt\. Hmmm... I probably should have set this in texexec.ini. Now I am checking on those files it couldn't find. Hmmm... Sure enough, both are in \texmf\tex\context\base\. I am going back to texexec.ini and uncommenting four lines, as follows: TeXFormatPath localtexmf/miktex/fmt fmt files ConTeXtPath texmf/tex/context/base sources SetupPath texmf/tex/base/user cont-sys/usr file TeXScriptsPath texmf/context/perltk scripts Note also, that I changed the path in the first line to dump the format files to where they belong on my system. I am now going to try texexec --make again, but first I deleted those dump files from the current directory. Oh!Oh! Same result. It cannot find the files core-mps.tex and core-hlp.tex and it dumped everything into the current directory. I checked to see if another texexec.ini is interfering and deleted some other instances. Trying again, texexec --make. Ooops! Same result. Cannot find those two files and it dumps into the current directory. Checking the log file now. I've attached cont-en.log so you can read the problem. I am going to try another run and manually type in the missing filenames (the files are in the directory, I checked) when prompted. OK, entering f:/texmf/tex/context/base/core-mps.tex and f:/texmf/tex/context/base/core-hlp.tex when prompted worked, but still dumped the format files to the current directory. I am going to move cont-en.fmt to \localtexmf\miktex\fmt and proceed. Well, it seems to compile a file OK, but I am still not comfortable with installation. Comments?