Hans, You asked for some samples of math typesetting. If the group doesn't mind, I'll do one a day for a while. All, if this bothers you on this list, let me know and I'll just send them to Hans. Contrast Context \defineenumeration [example] [location=serried, text=Example, before=\blank, after=\blank, way=bychapter, style=slanted] \startexample Use \mat\ to sketch the conic section with equation \startformula r=\frac{4}{1+0.5\cos\theta}. \stopformula \stopexample with AMSLatex, \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \newtheorem{example}{Example}[section] %Special typeset of the Matlab logo \def\mat{{\rm M}{\sc atlab}} \begin{document} \begin{example} Use \mat\ to sketch the conic section with equation $$ r=\frac{4}{1+0.5\cos\theta}. $$ \end{example} \end{document} Note the typesetting of \cos\theta in this Context example. The cos gets set in italic with not very good spacing. Dvi attached.