Uwe, I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but I've attached a metapost file that I used for the images in a pretest. If you compile it, then you should get a whole lot of images, named pretest.1 through pretest.31. >Thank you for your precise and satisfying answers! > >You wrote on Sam, 10 Jun 2000: >>At 07:12 PM 6/10/2000 +0200, you wrote: >> >>No reason to be desperate about that. This graphic is only available when I >>process the files here, since all the logo's are in our big company logo mp >>file, which, as you can understand is not public. The next doc styles btw >>will not have that message (but still a graphic, I made a new one, so that >>I can recognize what is typeset here -). > >Just to sort it out right: >the lines responsible for making metapost create a bunch of logo files are: > \startMPrun > mpgraph := #1 ; > input mp-cont ; > \stopMPrun >and mp-cont.mp is the metapost source of your company graphics -- right? >You know that the logo that you want to place on the frontmatter is >mprun.512. > >Is there an example for such a metapost source that produces a bunch of >pictures? > >> >>>And last: I thought the core-fig.tex bug is gone away -- is >> >>Remind me, what bug? > >"% TOBIAS" and "% TOM" > >> >>>Have a nice evening ;-) >> > >All this good wishes back to you :-))) > >Uwe > > >-- >mailto:koloska@rcs.urz.tu-dresden.de >http://rcswww.urz.tu-dresden.de/~koloska/ >-- -- >right now the web page is in german only >but this will change as time goes by ;-) > >