input mp-tool; beginfig(1); %initialize the scale numeric u; 10u=2in; %initialize some points z0=origin; z1=(8u,3u); z2=(5u,8u); %set penwidth pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; %draw and label vector u drawarrow z0--z1 withcolor blue; label.lrt(btex ${\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z1]); %draw and label vector v drawarrow z1--z2 withcolor blue; label.urt(btex ${\bf v}$ etex, 0.5[z1,z2]); %draw and label vector u+v drawarrow z0--z2 withcolor red; label.ulft(btex ${\bf u}+{\bf v}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z2]); endfig; beginfig(2); %initialize the scale numeric u; 10u=2in; %draw a grid for k=0 step 1u until 10u: draw (k,0)--(k,10u) withcolor 0.85white; draw (0,k)--(10u,k) withcolor 0.85white; endfor; %draw coordinate axes drawarrow (0,0)--(10u,0); drawarrow (0,0)--(0,10u); %initialize some points z0=origin; z1=(8u,3u); z2=(5u,8u); %set penwidth pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; %draw and label vector u drawarrow z0--z1 withcolor blue; label.lrt(btex ${\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z1]); %draw and label vector v drawarrow z1--z2 withcolor blue; label.urt(btex ${\bf v}$ etex, 0.5[z1,z2]); %draw and label vector u+v drawarrow z0--z2 withcolor red; label.ulft(btex ${\bf u}+{\bf v}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z2]); endfig; beginfig(3); %initialize the scale numeric u; 10u=1in; %initialize some points z0=origin; z1=(4u,2u); %set penwidth pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; %draw and label vector 2u drawarrow z0--2z1 withcolor red; label.lrt(btex $2{\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,2z1]); %draw and label vector -1.5u drawarrow z0--(-1.5z1) withcolor green; label.ulft(btex $-1.5{\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,-1.5z1]); %capture bounding box path bb; bb:=boundingbox currentpicture; currentpicture:=nullpicture; %draw and label vector u drawarrow z0--z1 withcolor blue; label.lrt(btex ${\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z1]); %set bounding box setbounds currentpicture to bb; endfig; beginfig(4); %initialize the scale numeric u; 10u=1in; %initialize some points z0=origin; z1=(4u,2u); %set penwidth pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; %draw and label vector 2u drawarrow z0--2z1 withcolor red; label.lrt(btex $2{\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,2z1]); %draw and label vector -1.5u drawarrow z0--(-1.5z1) withcolor green; label.ulft(btex $-1.5{\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,-1.5z1]); endfig; beginfig(5); %initialize the scale numeric u; 20u=2in; %draw the grid for k=-10u step 1u until 10u: draw (k,-10u)--(k,10u) withcolor 0.85white; draw (-10u,k)--(10u,k) withcolor 0.85white; endfor; %draw the axes drawdblarrow (-10u,0)--(10u,0); drawdblarrow (0,-10u)--(0,10u); %initialize some points z0=origin; z1=(4u,2u); %set penwidth pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; %draw and label vector u drawarrow z0--z1 withcolor blue; label.ulft(btex ${\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z1]); endfig; beginfig(6); %initialize the scale numeric u; 10u=1in; %initialize the scale numeric u; 20u=2in; %draw the grid for k=-10u step 1u until 10u: draw (k,-10u)--(k,10u) withcolor 0.85white; draw (-10u,k)--(10u,k) withcolor 0.85white; endfor; %draw the axes drawdblarrow (-10u,0)--(10u,0); drawdblarrow (0,-10u)--(0,10u); %initialize some points z0=origin; z1=(4u,2u); %set penwidth pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; %draw and label vector 2u drawarrow z0--2z1 withcolor red; label.ulft(btex $2{\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,2z1]); %draw and label vector -1.5u drawarrow z0--(-1.5z1) withcolor green; label.lrt(btex $-1.5{\bf u}$ etex, 0.75[z0,-1.5z1]); endfig; beginfig(7); %initialize the scale numeric u; 10u=1in; %initialize the scale numeric u; 20u=2in; %set the bounding box path bb; bb:=(-10u,-10u)--(10u,-10u)--(10u,10u)--(-10u,10u)--cycle; %initialize some points z0=origin; z1=(8u,2u); z2=(2u,6u); %set penwidth pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; %draw and label vector u drawarrow z0--z1 withcolor blue; label.ulft(btex ${\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z1]); %draw and label vector v drawarrow z0--z2 withcolor blue; label.ulft(btex ${\bf v}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z2]); %attach -v to u z3=z1-z2; drawarrow z1--z3 withcolor blue; label.rt(btex $-{\bf v}$ etex, 0.5[z1,z3]); %draw u-v drawarrow z0--z3 withcolor red; label.llft(btex ${\bf u}+(-{\bf v})$ etex, 0.5[z0,z3]); %set the bounding box path bb; bb:=boundingbox currentpicture; currentpicture:=nullpicture; %draw and label vector u drawarrow z0--z1 withcolor blue; label.lrt(btex ${\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z1]); %draw and label vector v drawarrow z0--z2 withcolor blue; label.ulft(btex ${\bf v}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z2]); %set the bounding box setbounds currentpicture to bb; endfig; beginfig(8); %initialize the scale numeric u; 10u=1in; %initialize the scale numeric u; 20u=2in; %initialize some points z0=origin; z1=(8u,2u); z2=(2u,6u); %set penwidth pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; %draw and label vector u drawarrow z0--z1 withcolor blue; label.ulft(btex ${\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z1]); %draw and label vector v drawarrow z0--z2 withcolor blue; label.ulft(btex ${\bf v}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z2]); %attach -v to u z3=z1-z2; drawarrow z1--z3 withcolor blue; label.rt(btex $-{\bf v}$ etex, 0.5[z1,z3]); %draw u-v drawarrow z0--z3 withcolor red; label.llft(btex ${\bf u}+(-{\bf v})$ etex, 0.5[z0,z3]); endfig; beginfig(9); %initialize the scale numeric u; 10u=1in; %draw the grid for k=-10u step 1u until 10u: draw (k,-10u)--(k,10u) withcolor 0.85white; draw (-10u,k)--(10u,k) withcolor 0.85white; endfor; %draw the axes drawdblarrow (-10u,0)--(10u,0); drawdblarrow (0,-10u)--(0,10u); %initialize the scale numeric u; 20u=2in; %initialize some points z0=origin; z1=(8u,2u); z2=(2u,6u); %set penwidth pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; %draw and label vector u drawarrow z0--z1 withcolor blue; label.lrt(btex ${\bf u}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z1]); %draw and label vector v drawarrow z0--z2 withcolor blue; label.ulft(btex ${\bf v}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z2]); %draw u-v drawarrow z2--z1 withcolor red; label.urt(btex ${\bf u}-{\bf v}$ etex, 0.5[z2,z1]); endfig; beginfig(10); %initialize the scale numeric u; 10u=1in; %draw the grid for k=-10u step 1u until 10u: draw (k,-10u)--(k,10u) withcolor 0.85white; draw (-10u,k)--(10u,k) withcolor 0.85white; endfor; %draw the axes drawdblarrow (-10u,0)--(10u,0); drawdblarrow (0,-10u)--(0,10u); %initialize the scale numeric u; 20u=2in; %initialize some points z0=origin; z1=(2u,3u); %draw a line through (2,3) with slope -3/2 draw (-8u/3,10u)--(10u,-9u) withcolor blue; %draw and label the point (2,3) dotlabel.urt(btex $(2,3)$ etex, z1); endfig; beginfig(11); %initialize the scale numeric u; 10u=1in; %draw the grid for k=-10u step 1u until 10u: draw (k,-10u)--(k,10u) withcolor 0.85white; draw (-10u,k)--(10u,k) withcolor 0.85white; endfor; %draw the axes drawdblarrow (-10u,0)--(10u,0); drawdblarrow (0,-10u)--(0,10u); %initialize the scale numeric u; 20u=2in; %initialize some points z0=origin; z1=(2u,3u); z2=(4u,0); z3=(8u,-6u); %draw a line through (2,3) with slope -3/2 draw (-8u/3,10u)--(10u,-9u) withcolor blue; %scale the pen pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; %draw vector p_0 drawarrow z0--z1 withcolor red; label.ulft(btex ${\bf p}_0$ etex, 0.5[z0,z1]); %draw the direction vector v drawarrow z1--z2 withcolor red; label.urt(btex ${\bf v}$ etex, 0.5[z1,z2]); %draw the direction vector p drawarrow z0--z3 withcolor red; label.llft(btex ${\bf p}$ etex, 0.5[z0,z3]); %draw and label the point (2,3) dotlabel.urt(btex $(2,3)$ etex, z1); %label the tip of p dotlabel.urt(btex $(x,y)$ etex, z3); endfig; \beginfig(12); %initialize scale numeric u; 10u=2in; %draw the grid for k=0 step 1u until 10u: draw (k,0)--(k,10u) withcolor 0.85white; draw (0,k)--(10u,k) withcolor 0.85white; endfor; %draw the axes drawarrow (0,0)--(0,10u); drawarrow (0,0)--(10u,0); %draw y=x drawarrow (0,0)--(10u,10u); %plot and label (x,y) and its reflection z0=(7u,3u); z1=z0 reflectedabout((0,0),(1,1)); dotlabel.lrt(btex $(x_1,x_2)$ etex, z0); dotlabel.ulft(btex $(x_2,x_1)$ etex, z1); %connect reflected points draw z0--z1 dashed evenly withcolor blue; %draw standard basis vectors pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; drawarrow (0,0)--(1u,0) withcolor red; label.lrt(btex ${\bf e}_1$ etex, (1u,0)); drawarrow (0,0)--(0,1u) withcolor red; label.ulft(btex ${\bf e}_2$ etex, (0,1u)); \endfig; \beginfig(13); %initialize scale numeric u; 4u=2in; %draw the grid for k=-2u step 1u until 2u: draw (k,-2u)--(k,2u) withcolor 0.85white; draw (-2u,k)--(2u,k) withcolor 0.85white; endfor; %draw the axes drawdblarrow (-2.5u,0)--(2.5u,0); drawdblarrow (0,-2.5u)--(0,2.5u); %plot points on the grid for i=-2u step 1u until 2u: for j=-2u step 1u until 2u: draw (i,j) withpen pencircle scaled 6pt withcolor blue; endfor; endfor; \endfig; end.