All, I don't have the very latest Miktex, but a reasonably new one (Miktex 2 with Update 1). I unpacked the new Context beta (texexec.ini attached) and used Miktex Options->Tex Formats to build formats for pdfelatex and pdfetex, refreshing the filename database whenever I could. texexec --make seemed to go well (I have the eformats in \localtexmf\miktex\fmt. But when I compile this sample file, \starttext \framed {Let’s see if it works.} \stoptext I got this error message: F:\ConTeXt\MyWork>texexec junk TeXExec 2.5 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2001 executable : pdfetex format : f:/localtexmf/miktex/fmt/cont-en inputfile : junk output : standard interface : en current mode : all TeX run : 1 This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-14f-released-20000525-2.1 (MiKTeX 2 UP 1) initexmf: don't know how to dump miktex cannot make f:/localtexmf/miktex.efmt I can't find the default format file! run time : 1 seconds Has anyone experienced this before and know how to cure the problem?