At 10:36 PM 9/13/00 +0200, Giuseppe Bilotta (Oblomov) wrote: >Hello, > >what I would like to obtain: > >in a PDF "interactive" document, I would like to have a pop-up window >containing some typeset material (sort of a "minipage" in a pop-up window). > >how did i try to do it: > >I managed to create pop-up notes, but they can only contain "normal text", >they are resizable by the user, etc. > >I managed to create xforms, but I can only place them in the document, not >in a pop-up environment. > >Is it possible to obtain what I want? If yes, can somebody give me some >clue? This kind of problems is easy to solve on the one hand, since the functionality is already there, but not always easy to use, since you need to sync with the otr (output routine). But you're lucky. A quick demo in tex, mp and widgets: % output=pdftex \setuppapersize[S6][S6] \setupbodyfont[pos] \setuplayout[width=middle,height=middle] \setuptexttexts[\helpdata] \setupframedtexts[helptext][background=myframe] \setupcolors[state=start] \setupinteraction[state=start] \setupbuttons[frame=off,background=myframe] \defineoverlay[myframe][\uniqueMPgraphic{myframe}] \startuniqueMPgraphic{myframe} path p ; p := unitsquare xyscaled(\overlaywidth,\overlayheight) superellipsed .90 ; fill p withcolor .85yellow ; draw p withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor .85red ; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \starttext \starthelptext[test] Now, how many hidden features do you think that are present in \ConTeXt ? Actually this one is not that hidden, since it's used in the flow chart module. This undocumented feature is implemented in \type {core-hlp.tex}. \stophelptext \input tufte \setpagehelpdata{test} \setupfootertexts [{\button{show help}[JS(Vide_Fields{help:test})]\quad \button{hide all that help}[JS(Hide_Fields)]}] \stoptext