At 04:07 AM 11/27/00 +0100, Petr Ferdus wrote: >Hi >does someone know, if it is possible to put unicode characters to >bookmarks geterated by Context? Or more generally if the output of >routines producing bookmark strins could be made unicode encoded. I would >like to introduce some accented (czech) characters there. It seems >to be possible only while they are entered in unicode. You can have unicode indeed, see attached file. But, the bad news is that if you want this kind of support right now, you and/or others will have to collect the data that should go in the pdu endocing vector, since i don't have complete unicode tables. And, it should be decimal [more efficient in tex] or octal [slightly faster but ugly]. Then of course some testing has to be done, In the attached file, conversion to unicode is kind of implemented [some dirty code tricks, so don't ask me to explain it] and i'm still not sure if teh more efficient \000a kind of normal ascii is really valid. [rather minimal, the pdf documentation]. Hans