Hi, The latest beta has xml support build in. If you follow the xml link at our homepage, you arrive at a page where the topmost link will bring you to the preliminary "xml in context" manual. XML support is build in layers: - an xml parser thtat can handle raw xml, as well as xml that si part of a normal tex document, this parser is normally all you need - a remapper that maps xml elements onto tex elements, this si for fanatics, and not yet in the beta; it's used for the mathml xml filter i'm working on - filters that suport specific dtd's Attached is a file that shows how (currently) the content mathml filter performs. I got most of it working [as with presentattional) but for very complicated math, i will have to map onto math macros that i guess are now living on taco's machine, but that will be sorted out later. I will release the mml filters when i can handle the outpus as mentioned in the mathml draft [some things in there still puzzle me since i don't know all those math concepts in detail] One application of mathml is, that when in the tex file you use mathml, combined with the html output style that berend is working on, in due time context can produce html with math, but from the same source also normal docs. The advantage is that you then can also share math code with other apps like mathematica as well as use output from those programs [that i don't have btw]. Much is still experimental and you may expect some cleaner and leaner code later. Hans