Hello World, Acrobat 5 has problems with reading files that use forms with check fields and use /DV (On) and /DV (Off) default values. Context happens to write default values as such, while acrobat 5 is only happy with /DV /On BTW, reading the specs and using acro4 to create a test file does not realy help, since Yes No On and Off may happily be mixed with Foo and Bar (since these are only placeholders). You can clean up files using the following perl script: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $pdffile = $ARGV[0] ; exit unless -e $pdffile ; exit unless open (PDFINP, "<$pdffile") ; binmode PDFINP ; exit unless open (PDFOUT, ">$pdffile.new") ; binmode PDFOUT ; $found = 0 ; while () { if (s"(/Subtype\s*/Widget.*?/FT\s*/Btn.*?/DV\s*)\((.*?)\)"$1/$2 "gmois) { $found = 1 } print PDFOUT $_ } close (PDFINP) ; close (PDFOUT) ; unlink "$pdffile.new" unless $found ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- for non context files, you may need to change the regexp. If you want to patch spec-fdf.tex, here you go: in \doFDFpresetchoicefield locate /DV (\FDFDefault) and change this (2 times) into /DV /\FDFDefault\space Since this is a runtime loaded driver file, you don';t need to compile a format, [took me a whole sunny sunday afternoon to locate this bug, and i really don't look forward to cleaning up all my files] The attached file should work on pdf 5 viewers and demonstrate a new javascript trick, in order to start the demo, click on the page border. Hans