Greetings all, I'm leaning towards experimenting with the bib module to see if I can arrive at a usable "Semiotics Society of America" reference section, which is a historically layered style, along the lines of: --- PEIRCE, Charles S. 1859. "An Essay on the Limits of Religious Thought Written to Prove That We Can Reason Upon the Nature of God", MS 53, in W1:37-40 1982. Writings of Charles S. Peirce: a Chronological Edition, ed. Max Fisch, Peirce Edition Project. Five volumes. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982-98). TEILHARD de Chardin, Pr. P. 1961. (posthumously). Hymn of the Universe (New York: Harper & Row Torchbooks, English Edition, 1965). 1957. (posthumously). The Divine Milieu (New York: Harper & Row Colophon Books Edition, 1968). --- Aside from all the niggling details (which I'm sure could be worked out), is this kind of layout in general possible—all citations going by year underneath a single instance of the author? …or am I doomed to forever make these by hand? ;) Regards, David