Greetings, First, thanks for all the wonderful work on context. Now, to the reason for this note. I recently tries to install context on an OpenBSD 6.5 AMD64 system, but the install failed. Thanks to some helpful emails in the archives from 2017 and 2018, I was able to get this working by editing mtxrun and I include what I did below. Thanks again, Robert 1) Do the usual:   mkdir context && cd context   rsync -ptv rsync:// .   ./ This will silently fail, because bin/mtx-update.lua bin/mtxrun do not recognize openbsd. 2) Edit bin/mtxrun: We need to define a "good" version of resolvers.platform(t,k) At line 4049, there is a default definition. Replace it with:  function resolvers.platform(t,k)   local platform="openbsd6.5-amd64"   os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)   os.platform=platform   return platform  end 3) Edit bin/mtx-update: 3a) In the table update.platforms add an entry for openbsd:     ["openbsd6.5-amd64"]  = "openbsd6.5-amd64", I put this at line 198, after the entries for freebsd. 3b) In the function update.synchronize() replace line 282:     local platforms    = states.get('platforms') or { } with:     local platforms    = states.get('platforms') or {"openbsd6.5-amd64" } 3c) At the very start of local function add_collection(collection,platform) line 417, add:             platform = "openbsd6.5-amd64" Maybe something is broken on my system or these last two aren't really needed, but this is what I did, 4) Edit To avoid overwriting the files we just edited, comment out line 146: # rsync -rlptv rsync://$platform/bin . This may interfere with future updates. 5) Install for real this time:   ./ --modules=all 6) Finally, the setuptex script gives me an error message:   megaera$ . /home//Context/tex/setuptex   /bin/ksh: /home//Context/tex/setuptex[163]: ${.sh.file}": bad substitution but it is not hard to set the path correctly:   PATH=$PATH\:/home//Context/tex/texmf-openbsd6.5-amd64/bin ; export PATH