Hi, I'm trying to typeset several pictures as a floatcombination but not in the form of strict cells of a matrix. Here is some ASCII art to demonstrate the positions of the pictures: --------------------------- | | | | --------------------------- a) Some caption ------------ ------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------ ------------- b) foo c) foo Figure 1.1: Foo Bar I tried to typeset it with this code (based on https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/502903): \useMPlibrary[dum] \setupcombinations[alternative=text] \definefloat[subfigure][local=yes] \setupcaption[subfigure][numberconversion=a] \setuplabeltext[subfigure=] \appendvalue{stopplacefigure}{\resetcounter[subfigure]} \starttext \startplacefigure[title=Test] \startfloatcombination[nx=1, ny=2] \startplacesubfigure[title=Test] \externalfigure[dummy][width=4cm,height=1cm] \stopplacesubfigure \startfloatcombination[nx=2, ny=1] \startplacesubfigure[title=Test] \externalfigure[dummy][width=4cm,height=1cm] \stopplacesubfigure \startplacesubfigure[title=Test] \externalfigure[dummy][width=4cm,height=1cm] \stopplacesubfigure \stopfloatcombination \stopfloatcombination \stopplacefigure \stoptext However, this does not work (the pictures are all in one row). Do you have some advice? Gerion