Hi, I want to typeset a "Good to know" section that is visually highlighted and can spawn across multiple pages. In LaTeX this would be possible with the mdframed package. See the attached screenshot for an example how it might look like (it is copied out of page 4: Definition: Inhomogeneous linear of the mdframed documentation: http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/mdframed/mdframed.pdf) I have searched in the wiki and found \defineenumeration: This is near of that what I need. However I explicitly does not need an enumeration (so no number or counter). Also I am not sure if I can set a background and so on. The other possibility is \defineframedtext. For example this goes much in the direction that I want: \definecolor[gbackground][s=0.98] \defineframedtext[gtk][frame=on, offset=5pt, background=color, width=0.95\textwidth, backgroundcolor=gbackground] However, there does not seem a possibility to define a title and it seems to not work on multiple pages. Is there a mix of an enumeration and framedtext that can produce something like in the attached picture? Best, Gerion