I am typesetting a small book and have run into two difficulties placing figures, which are constrained to even, i.e. left hand, blank, pages. The first place figures appear are opposite each new section. I coerce this with the following commands: \page[left] \noheaderorfooter \placefigure \page \section This scheme works when the previous section ends on an odd page, but when the section ends on an even page, \page[left] correctly inserts two blank pages, but the first, instead of being blank, retains a \vrule\pagenumber in the running head. It is little work to remove these artifacts with Acrobat, but I prefer these headers were empty. The second place figures appear is within sections. I use the same set of commands, which places the figures where I wish, but each figure must be placed precisely at the bottom of an odd page. This looks OK if the bottom of the page coincides with the end of a paragraph, but otherwise the last line is not flush right. I am looking for a solution that says, 'place this figure on the next blank even page disturbing the text flow as little as possible.' I have tried postponing, but without success. The attached archive includes a test file, an empty graphic and the pdf result. The ninth page shows the recalcitrant \vrule\pagenumber, and the eleventh page shows the result of splicing a figure in mid-paragraph. Any suggestions how to resolve these issues would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Michael A. Guravage