Giuseppe Bilotta wrote: > > Taco wrote: > > > > It is *possible* btw. that the example tooltip worked ok just because > > of that. I don't think I have the math core patch installed on this > > machine. > > > > Nope. I'm using pdfeTeX in extended mode too, same version as you. Rats. Maybe I *do* have the math patch installed then? Anyway, my context deviates from the distribution regularly ;) ... and now for something completely different ... I needed some extensions to the number conversions provided by context (like character conversion for numbers > 26, which is broken :() nd the attached file is what I came up with. It's rough, but maybe someone will be interested enough to make requests? Here's a usage example/demo (\maxcount == TeX's max integer divided by 26): %&cont-en \input radix \switchtobodyfont[9pt] \def\c#1{\hbox to 4.5em{#1\hss}} \edef\maxcount{41297762} \starttext \noindent \c{dec} \c{dchar} \c{char} \c{Char} \c{oct} \c{hex} \c{Hex} \c{bin}\par \medskip \hrule \medskip \advance\baselineskip -1pt \dorecurse{53}{% \noindent \c{\recurselevel} \c{\dcharacters{\recurselevel}} \c{\characters{\recurselevel}} \c{\Characters{\recurselevel}} \c{\octal{\recurselevel}} \c{\hexal{\recurselevel}} \c{\Hexal{\recurselevel}} \c{\binary{\recurselevel}}\par } \noindent \c{\maxcount} \c{} \c{\characters{\maxcount}} \c{\Characters{\maxcount}} \c{\octal{\maxcount}} \c{\hexal{\maxcount}} \c{\Hexal{\maxcount}} \c{\binary{\maxcount}}\par \stoptext Greetings, Taco