Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) -- Supported subset by ConTeXt DRAFT [TB, Thu Dec 27 19:56:52 CET 2001] ConTeXt can handle XML directly and using MetaPost it is also possible to render SVG directly. The SVG is rather messy and relys havily on non-wellstructured styles. NOTE: Since ConTeXt's SVG is only a subset of the SVG standard ConTeXt is _not_ a conforming SVG interpreter/"viewer" as defined in the SVG standard. 0. Supported data types (excerpt) 0.0 %langSpaceAttr; Default attribute Need to support xml:lang="de" etc. Nice would be xml:space="{default | preserve}" 0.1 length unit - Allowed units em, ex, px, pt, pc, cm, mm, in and '%' - No unit equals 'px' (the "user unit") - The extend of the user units are given by the ViewBox 1. Supported elements (tags) This list _excludes_ the style elements. 1.1 SVG The embraceing element. The may be nested. Attributes: - width, height (type: 0.1 length unit) - ViewBox (no unit numbers sep. by ' ' or ',', see 0.1 length unit) 1.3 Title and description This may only contain text and tags from other namespaces. Per default it should ignored. Almost element can contain those two, but for the outermost using it optionally as caption might be useful. 1.4 Grouping Attributes: - transform matrix It would be nice if all attributes were supported ... 1.5 Path Attributes: - d path data rather complex - fill - stroke - stroke-width fill and stroke: should support: none|currentColor| stroke-width: |inherit 1.6 some basic shapes: - rectangles (rectangle, including optional rounded corners) - circles - ellipses - lines - polylines - polygons Those should be rather simple 1.7 Text ,