Dear Mr. Hagen. I apologize that I bother you once more, but I really need your help (deadline for my document is quite soon). :-( I have to follow a rather complex document design. According to it tables must be framed with two different lines: The outer frame must be thick and the inner thin. Moreover, a part of the header (the first row) must be black. I didn't know how to do it, so I used Metapost in a company with the overlay mechanism provided with the ConTeXt. It works well, but: 1) When a cell has black background, it turns its frame from black to white. It's awfull. How can I switch this behavior off? 2) The frame of the first and last row doesn't fit precisely to frames of the rest rows. What's wrong? Are those cell of a different sizes? How can I improve it? Many thanks for your kind help. Your sincerely Michal Kvasnicka P.S. I include a minimal (but not a small, I apologize) example.