
I'm trying to compile a product of a complex structure (env + project + product).

- My useMPgraphics are included in a product using \input
- My environment starts with :
just before \startenvironment (else the horizontal spacing are not ok for my products, compiled as standalone documents)

As is, the metapost processing halts on
! Illegal suffix of declared variable will be flushed.
<to be read again>
l.149 path theshape\mathortext {

If I comment out *only* \mainlanguage[fr], metapost's processings are OK but I have english labels (Content, Chapter...) instead of french ones (obviously).

If I comment out *only* \useencoding[ffr], metapost's processing areOK but horizontal spacing for punctation are not OK (i.e. with respect to french typographic standards).

My question is : how I can obtain french labels + french punctuation SIMULTANEOUSLY ;)

I use the up-to-date context/metapost from minimals... And I can't use MK IV since I need t-vim...
(\useencoding[ffr] is not known by MK IV as \typeSTUFF from t-vim)
