#!/usr/bin/env ruby # program : texsync # copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering # version : 1.1 - 2003/2004 # author : Hans Hagen # For the moment this script only handles the 'minimal' context # distribution. In due time I will add a few more options, like # synchronization of the iso image. banner = ['TeXSync', 'version 1.1', '2002/2004', 'PRAGMA ADE/POD'] unless defined? ownpath ownpath = $0.sub(/[\\\/]\w*?\.rb/i,'') $: << ownpath end require 'xmpl/switch' require 'exa/logger' require 'rbconfig' class Commands include CommandBase @@formats = ['en','nl','de','cz','it','ro'] @@always = ['metafun','mptopdf','en','nl'] @@rsync = 'rsync -r -z -c --progress --stats "--exclude=*.fmt" "--exclude=*.efmt" "--exclude=*.mem"' @@kpsewhich = Hash.new @@kpsewhich['minimal'] = 'SELFAUTOPARENT' @@kpsewhich['context'] = 'TEXMFLOCAL' @@kpsewhich['documentation'] = 'TEXMFLOCAL' @@kpsewhich['unknown'] = 'SELFAUTOPARENT' def update report return unless destination = getdestination texpaths = gettexpaths address = option('address') user = option('user') tree = option('tree') force = option('force') ok = true begin report("synchronizing '#{tree}' from '#{address}' to '#{destination}'") report if texpaths then texpaths.each do |path| report("synchronizing path '#{path}' of '#{tree}' from '#{address}' to '#{destination}'") command = "#{rsync} #{user}@#{address}::#{tree}/#{path} #{destination}/{path}" ok = ok && system(command) if force end else command = "#{@@rsync} #{user}@#{address}::#{tree} #{destination}" ok = system(command) if force end rescue report("error in running rsync") ok = false ensure if force then if ok then if option('make') then report("generating tex and metapost formats") report formats.delete_if do |f| begin `kpsewhich cont-#{f}`.chomp.empty? rescue end end str = [@@formats,@@always].flatten.uniq.join(' ') begin system("texexec --make --alone #{str}") rescue report("unable to generate formats '#{str}'") else report end else report("regenerate the formats files if needed") end else report("error in synchronizing '#{tree}'") end else report("provide --force to execute '#{command}'") unless force end end end def list report address = option('address') user = option('user') result = nil begin report("fetching list of trees from '#{address}'") command = "#{@@rsync} #{user}@#{address}::" if option('force') then result = `#{command}`.chomp else report("provide --force to execute '#{command}'") end rescue result = nil else if result then report("available trees:") report reportlines(result) end ensure report("unable to fetch list") unless result end end private def gettexpaths if option('full') then texpaths = ['texmf','texmf-local','texmf-fonts','texmf-mswin','texmf-linux','texmf-macos'] elsif option('terse') then texpaths = ['texmf','texmf-local','texmf-fonts'] case Config::CONFIG['host_os'] when /mswin/ then texpaths.push('texmf-mswin') when /linux/ then texpaths.push('texmf-linux') when /darwin/ then texpaths.push('texmf-macosx') end else texpaths = nil end texpaths end def getdestination if (destination = option('destination')) && ! destination.empty? then begin if @@kpsewhich.key?(destination) then destination = @@kpsewhich[option('tree')] || @@kpsewhich['unknown'] destination = `kpsewhich --expand-var=$#{destination}`.chomp elsif ! FileTest.directory?(destination) then destination = nil end rescue report("unable to determine destination tex root") else if ! destination || destination.empty? then report("no destination is specified") elsif not FileTest.directory?(destination) then report("invalid destination '#{destination}'") elsif not FileTest.writable?(destination) then report("destination '#{destination}' is not writable") else report("using destination '#{destination}'") return destination end end else report("unknown destination") end return nil end end logger = EXA::ExaLogger.new(banner.shift) commandline = CommandLine.new commandline.registeraction('update', 'update installed tree') commandline.registeraction('list', 'list available trees') commandline.registerflag('terse', 'download as less as possible (esp binaries)') commandline.registerflag('full', 'download everything (all binaries)') commandline.registerflag('force', 'confirm action') commandline.registerflag('make', 'remake formats') commandline.registervalue('address', 'www.pragma-ade.com', 'adress of repository (www.pragma-ade)') commandline.registervalue('user', 'guest', 'user account (guest)') commandline.registervalue('tree', 'tex', 'tree to synchronize (tex)') commandline.registervalue('destination', nil, 'destination of tree (kpsewhich)') commandline.registeraction('help') commandline.registeraction('version') commandline.expand Commands.new(commandline,logger,banner).send(commandline.action || 'help')