Hi all, At first, I use m-bib-beta-20060208.zip. Up to now, I used: \setupbibtex[database=biblio,sort=author] \setuppublications[alternative=num-fr,sorttype=bbl,numbering=yes] %% In order to format Names with small capitals: \def\mynormalauthor#1#2#3#4#5% {\bibdoif{#1}{#1\bibalternative{firstnamesep}}% \bibdoif{#2}{#2\bibalternative{vonsep}}% \bgroup\sc#3\egroup\bibalternative{surnamesep}\unskip \bibdoif{#5}{#5\unskip}} \setuppublicationlist [artauthor=\mynormalauthor, editor=\mynormalauthor, author=\mynormalauthor] Everything works fine, but now I would use apa-fr and I have some problems. After discussing this topic with Taco on #context, I have tried the following code: % \cite[name00] should return [Name, 2000] \unprotect\def\mybibcommand#1{\expanded{\cite[\@@pbk]}~~} \protect \setupbibtex[database=biblio,sort=author] \setuppublications[alternative=apa,sorttype=bbl,numbercommand=\mybibcommand, numbering=yes,autohang=yes] \setupcite[authoryears][left={[},right={]}] So, just forget to format the authors with normalauthor & small capitals.... It's ok for the cite command but labels of the references listing is wrong (each label are the same and correspond in fact to the last entry ! )... Any idea ??? Add to this the fact that I don't like the formatting of the year -> (1999). Since I like the formatting applied with num-fr, how to reproduce it with apa-fr. (I have tested apa and apa-fr and it gives same results in either) Cheers, Renaud