Hi all, Some times ago, Taco helps me to define a custom itemize: \setbox0=\hbox{--~} \def\indenteddash#1{\hskip\parindent--~} \definesymbol[indentdash][\indenteddash] \setupitemize[each][indentdash,packed,joinedup,intext][indentnext=yes,width=\dimexpr \parindent + \wd0 \relax] The result of, for example: \startitemize \item first paragraph ... with a lot of text (multiline), \item second paragraph ... with a lot of text (multiline). \stopitemize is: -- first paragraph .. .... with a lot of text (multiline), -- second paragraph .. .... with a lot of text (multiline). Now, I would a new custom itemize with numbered items: 1. first paragraph .. .... with a lot of text (multiline), 2. second paragraph .. .... with a lot of text (multiline). How to do that ? TIA Renaud