Hi all,

I'm now playing with u3d and since I'm at rookie level in ConTeXt dev, I have (a lot?) of questions for you.
First, download
http://www.nibua-r.org/ConTeXt/devel/3dartwork.tgz and "texexec test-3dartwork". Since I use \externalfigure and u3d mean nothing to ConTeXt, I obtain

TeXUtil | running texmfstart rlxtools --identify ./context.u3d
identify: no decode delegate for this image format `./context.u3d'.
RlxTools | unable to identify ./context.u3d

Ok, this is normal... I used \placefigure and \externalfigure for convenience for the moment since I found natural to use them... How to bypass RlxTools ?

Now, see t-3dartwork. There is a lot of work. The main idea is to split \doPDFinsertiiidartwork into several macros ;) . I need help on:
1. What's the best way to define the following macro

\defineiiidartworkprojection[name][type=perspective|orthographic , nf=automatic|explicit , near=number, far=number, fov=number.....]

You're welcome to give your opinion on naming convention ;)

2. Same question for
\defineiiidartworkview[name][bgr=number, bgg=number, bgb=number (or 3 floats for bgcol), projection=name, camera= 3 floats (but how?), target= idem, up=idem]

I'll use ruby and a magic | (see [NTG-context] run a ruby script and use the standard output ???) to calculate C2W and CO...

3. ... I need to define a macro to setup the 3D annot before to use it by \externalfigure or with another brand new macro...

That's it for the moment...
