Hi all,

The 3dartwork module can be found here: http://www.nibua-r.org/ConTeXt/devel/3dartwork.tgz
Someone could maybe process test-3dartwork on a windows machine and report if there is trouble...

Warning: The use of the "piping" syntax is only possible with the last pdfTeX (thanks to Taco). I use pdfTeX 3.141592-1.40.0-beta-20060928-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.5) to process test-3dartwork.

What I need now is:
1. How to call \input "| ls" (for example) from t-3dartwork instead of test-3dartwork ?
2. To ConTeXt gurus: Could you check if my use of ConTeXt is "clean"... (I will rewrite my rough view.rb... ;) )
3. To ConTeXt's community: feature requests ?

I've seen that octaga has released a x3d plugin for acrobat (included with the last octaga player for windows). I'll work on it as soon as the linux version will be released ! ;)

