I would like to prepare some student material in epub format and tried the "export-example.tex" as follows: - context export-example (by the way, gives an error with the latest beta, not with 2011.12.19 22:53, but produces the output; shouldn't matter here). - mtxrun --script epub --make export-example (tells me "sh: 7z: command not found", but produces an epub file. Zipping manually doesn't make a difference). In Calibre, only the text appears -- no paragraphs or anything else. The same happens when I try a minimal example with just paragraphs, bold, italic and sections. Most likely I misunderstood something, or is epub support still too preliminary (see http://wiki.contextgarden.net/epub)? I'm using current version: 2012.02.16 09:55 on a Mac (Lion). Thanks, Jörg