Dear Hans, I run the following code which is in page 24,25 luametafun.pdf. 1. adding \starttext and \stoptext, it works fine. No overlapping. Also, functionstyle = “math” is working nicely. 2. removing \starttext and \stoptext, then functionstyle =“math” invoked an error. 3. removing \starttext, \stoptext, and functionstyle=“math”, it worked. However the caption “x=[…]; y=[….]” is overlapped. %\starttext \startMPcode{doublefun} draw lmt_contour [ xmin = 0, xmax = 4*pi, xstep = .05, ymin = -6, ymax = 6, ystep = .05, levels = 7, height = 5cm, preamble = "local sin, cos = math.sin, math.cos", function = "cos(x)+sin(y)", %functionstyle = "math", background = "bitmap", foreground = "edge", linewidth = 1/2, cache = true, ]; \stopMPcode %\stoptext Thank you so much. Best regards, Dalyoung