Dear all, I'm trying to make a dissertation template for our university. The cover of the template has many underlines. It's so hard to do with those underlines with ConTeXt. I attached two files. One is "cover.tex" which designing coverage. The other is "main.pdf" which is the output file that is the most closing one to my expectation. I make underlines with following codes: \startuseMPgraphic{mpos:par:columnset:underlinec} \iftracepositions show_multi_pars \else draw_multi_pars \fi ; path p ; p := boundingbox currentpicture ; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0,-0.0*StrutDepth) ; setbounds currentpicture to p ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{mpos:par:columnset:underlinee} \iftracepositions show_multi_pars \else draw_multi_pars \fi ; path p ; p := boundingbox currentpicture ; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0,-0.7*StrutDepth) ; setbounds currentpicture to p ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{mpos:par:columnset:underlinet} path p ; p := boundingbox currentpicture ; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0,-0.7*StrutDepth) ; setbounds currentpicture to p ; \stopuseMPgraphic \definetextbackground [underlinec] [location=paragraph, alternative=1, mp=mpos:par:columnset:underlinec, background=, frame=off] \definetextbackground [underlinee] [location=paragraph, alternative=1, mp=mpos:par:columnset:underlinee, background=, frame=off] \definetextbackground [underlinet] [location=text, alternative=1, mp=mpos:par:columnset:underlinet, background=, frame=off] \definetextbackground [underline] [location=text, alternative=1, background=, frame=off] I defined four kinds of underlines, to fit the different distance requirements between underlines and text lines. Three of them, underlinec, underlinee, and underlinet, are defined with MPgraphic; the other one, underline, is defined only by textbeckground. I can only use the \underline command without MPgraphic, but it will draw lines too close to the text lines. The most wried thing is that if I use all the three MPgraphic defined underline, the vertical positions of underlines will be wrong and some underlines will not be drawn. The other problems are: - The English title is longer than the underline. I tried to figure out the reason, but in some other tex files, the problem is gone. I cannot reproduce it. - I don't know how to make the last two parts at the bottom of the coverage centered. I tried the following way but nothing happened. \definefloat[centered][table] \setupfloat[centered][default={none}] \placecentered{here,always,none}{} How can I make those underline acting as predicted? Is it related with the bug I mailed to the list before? Is there any alternative way to implement it? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance! Best wishes, Wei-Wei