Aditya Mahajan wrote: > > I get the same error as Kevin: > > ! Undefined control sequence. > ... [\bibrefprefix ][\sectionseparator > ] Add this to fix the error: \def\preparebibreflist#1{\def\bibreflist{#1}}% see attached files. For Hans: the attached test file demonstates one of the reasons why this is still broken. Both pages now have a link to a publication, but because of the over-simplication of \preparebibrefprefix and \preparebibreflist, these both point to the same label (the one on page one), and luatex complains: LuaTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{WhoAmI2009}) has been already used, duplicate ignored That is the problem these two macros were addressing, and I have no idea how to do the same in the new structure code. Best wishes, Taco