Hi, Yesterday, I had a weird output of the following sample code. \overline changes the baseline when it is used in the column environment. It works fine if it is used without columns. I had similar problems long time ago and I thought it was fixed at that time. Please check the following sample. Best regards, Dalyoung %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \starttext \startitemize[n] \item Here is a line of math formulas: $\overline{A} = A$, $A' \subset A$, $A \cap A' = \emptyset$ and $A^c$ is open. \item list items one by one in a new line \startitemize[n, packed, broad][stopper=,left=(, right=)] \item {$A' \subset A$} \item {$A \cap A' = \emptyset$} \item {$A^c$ is open} \item {$\overline{A} = A$} \stopitemize \stopitemize As you see, there is no problem al all.\par But if we list the same formulas using columns, then there is a baseline problem. \startitemize[continue] \item list items in 4 columns \startitemize[n, packed,columns, four, broad][stopper=,left=(, right=)] \item {$A' \subset A$} \item {$\overline{A} = A$} \item {$A \cap A' = \emptyset$} \item {$A^c$ is open} \stopitemize \item list items in 2 columns \startitemize[n, packed,columns, two, broad][stopper=,left=(, right=)] \item {$\overline{\{a\}} = \{a\}$} \item {$\overline{\{b\}} = \{b,e\}$} \item {$\overline{\{c\}} = \{b,c,d\}$} \item {$\overline{\{d\}} = \{b,c,d,e\}$} \stopitemize \stopitemize \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%