Thank you, Aditya. Now let me ask you about second big problem with my setup. I cannot get itemize indent woking properly. I need it be the same as bodytext indent (starting from the bullet) and the first line indented too. Please, help me with it. Vyatcheslav > Change location=serried to location=top. Serried ignores the inbetween > option as it does not make sense with serried. > > Aditya \setupindenting[yes, big] \setupitemize[each][1,packed,nowhite,text] \definedescription[reviewquestions][location=top, text={Review questions}, before={\blank[small]\startitemize}, inbetween={\blank[small]}, after={\stopitemize\blank[small]}] \starttext The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here.The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. The section ends here. \startreviewquestions \item Question 1. Question 1. Question 1. Question 1. Question 1. Question 1. Question 1. Question 1. Question 1. Question 1. Question 1. Question 1. Question 1. \item Question 2. Question 2. Question 2. Question 2. Question 2. Question 2. Question 2. Question 2. Question 2. Question 2. Question 2. Question 2. Question 2. \item Question 3. Question 3. Question 3. Question 3. Question 3. Question 3. Question 3. Question 3. Question 3. Question 3. Question 3. Question 3. Question 3. \stopreviewquestions The next section starts here. \stoptext