I am embedding links to an UR in my documents. Although it is used in XML-documents, you might be able to use the gist of this code that generates a clickable link. Perhaps you find it useful. dr. Hans van der Meer % Return the code when clicking the link. \def\URIReturnCode#1{\ctxlua{tex.print(hvdm.urireturncode("#1"))}} — Some Lua code needed: -- Check URI socket.http.TIMEOUT = 5 -- set URI timeout in seconds hvdm.urireturncode = function (theuri) -- Differentiate between file and http protocols. local first,last = string.find(theuri, "file://") if first == nil then -- We have http to search for. local content, status, authinfo = socket.http.request{ method = "HEAD", url = theuri, } return type(status) == "number" and status or "failure" else -- We must ascertain the existence of the file. local thefile = io.open(string.sub(theuri, last+1, -1), "r") if thefile then io.close(thefile) return "200" else return "404" end end end % ..... Place an url link ..................................................... % BEWARE: spaces in file names must be %20 in the link !!! % This global definition of the URLbase cannot be missed. \def\THEURLBASE{http://} % Signal the occurence of timeout on URI search. \newif\ifURItimeout \startxmlsetups xmlcommon:urlbase \edef\THEURLBASE{\xmlstrippednolines{#1}{.}} % Reset the URI timeout for new URLbase. \global\URItimeoutfalse \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xmlcommon:url % Define the full uri. \edef\theurl{\THEURLBASE\xmlatt{#1}{link}} % File suffix should be one of the list. \doifelse{\FileSuffixList{\xmlatt{#1}{link}} {pdf,jpg,jpeg,html,png,tif,tiff}}{\empty} {\def\suffix{.impossible}}% no suffix from the list here {\def\suffix{\empty}}% one of the list is present % First try link as given, beware of unreachable site. \ifURItimeout % For previously timeout on this site. \else \edef\returncode{\URIReturnCode{\theurl}} \doif{\returncode}{failure} { \global\URItimeouttrue \errorcall{#1}{url access fails for \THEURLBASE\xmlatt{#1}{link}} } \fi % On URI timeout there is no hope to find the file. \ifURItimeout \else % When there is no suffix from the list, try several. \doifnot{\suffix}{\empty} { \scratchcounter=200\relax \ifnum\returncode=\scratchcounter\else \def\suffix{.pdf} \edef\returncode{\URIReturnCode{\theurl\suffix}} \fi \ifnum\returncode=\scratchcounter\else \def\suffix{.jpg} \edef\returncode{\URIReturnCode{\theurl\suffix}} \fi \ifnum\returncode=\scratchcounter\else \def\suffix{.jpeg} \edef\returncode{\URIReturnCode{\theurl\suffix}} \fi \ifnum\returncode=\scratchcounter\else \def\suffix{.html} \edef\returncode{\URIReturnCode{\theurl\suffix}} \fi \ifnum\returncode=\scratchcounter\else \def\suffix{.png} \edef\returncode{\URIReturnCode{\theurl\suffix}} \fi \ifnum\returncode=\scratchcounter\else \def\suffix{.tiff} \edef\returncode{\URIReturnCode{\theurl\suffix}} \fi \ifnum\returncode=\scratchcounter\else \def\suffix{.tif} \edef\returncode{\URIReturnCode{\theurl\suffix}} \fi } % Give up if returncode other then 200. \ifnum\returncode=200\relax % Page number might be added. \doifelse{\xmlatt{#1}{page}}{\empty} {\let\thep\empty} {\edef\thep{\letterhash page=\xmlatt{#1}{page}}} % Place the link, ref-attribute prevales in the presentation. \doifelse{\xmlatt{#1}{ref}}{\empty} {\edef\temp{\xmlatt{#1}{link}}} {\edef\temp{\xmlatt{#1}{ref}}} \goto {\FirstLastCharacters{\temp}{\xmlatt{#1}{maxsize}}} [url(\theurl\suffix\thep)] \else \errorcall{#1} {\THEURLBASE\xmlatt{#1}{link} not found (\returncode)} \fi \fi % end of URItimeout \stopxmlsetups > On 8 Oct 2018, at 00:39, Hans Hagen wrote: > > On 10/7/2018 8:41 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote: >> On 10/7/18 8:33 PM, Hans Hagen wrote: >>> On 10/7/2018 8:19 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote: >>>> [...] >>>> Is there a way to hyperlink to an attached document? I mean, no matter >>>> whether it has been generated by ConTeXt or not. >>>> i have no clue what you mean >> Is there a way to link to a page or a destination (such as in >> https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/PDF32000_2008.pdf#page=500 >> or >> https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/PDF32000_2008.pdf#nameddest=G12.2456615) >> to a document that is attached (using \attachment) in ConTeXt? >> I hope it is clear now, > it points to the media mess .. which relates to either or not obsolete stuff (flash related) > > anyway, i don't know as i never embed pdf docs and if i would i'd have no reason to refer to them (it probably depends on a viewer extracting the attachment, caching it and then providing access: it makes no sense to waste time on features that are not supported or maybe only by acrobat unless it's a well paid projects in which case throw away code is a bit less waste of time because it brings foon on the table) > > Hans > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE > Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands > tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > ___________________________________________________________________________________ > If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki! > > maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context > webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net > archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ > wiki : http://contextgarden.net > ___________________________________________________________________________________