Hello, I am trying to setup a layout for a book. Its very simple, consisting only of paragraphs. Regularly, there should be no space between them, but to force the pages getting filled there may be a small space. I cannot figure out how to set it up. In the mailing list I found the sample \setupwhitespace[3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt] but in fact, that seems to have no effect, the page ist not filled. The Reference-Manual doesnt mention this form, but states that there is some stretchability. How can I define the stretchability? My simple Example: \definepapersize [NomosLexSozA] [width=125mm, height=210mm] \setuppapersize [NomosLexSozA] [A4] \setuplayout[ header=0cm,footer=0cm, backspace=2.54cm,topspace=1.5cm, width=middle,height=middle, location=middle,marking=on,] \showframe \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \setupbodyfont[rm,7.5pt,serif] \setupinterlinespace[line=8pt] \setupbodyfontenvironment[default][em=italic] \setupwhitespace[3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt] %\setupwhitespace[line] %\setupwhitespace[medium] %\setupwhitespace[big] \setuptolerance[horizontal, verytolerant, stretch] \setuptolerance[vertical, verystrict] \starttext \dorecurse{40} {\input knuth} \stoptext with big or medium, it seems to work, but that is to much whitespace for my layout? Can anyone give me a hint? Thanks, Achim