Hi, I have a text with commented spans. The comments come later in the book, and I'd like to show the commented parts just above the comments themselves. Here is a pseudo code: Vestibulum ante \commented[mycomment]{ipsum primis} in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce pretium orci lectus, a egestas sapien. Maecenas ante tellus, cursus sed feugiat non, lacinia sit amet dui. Nam vel tortor sed leo pulvinar ornare. \pagereference[mycomment] This is my comment... I'd like to get something like this: Vestibulum ante _ipsum primis_^1 in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce pretium orci lectus, a egestas sapien. Maecenas ante tellus, cursus sed feugiat non, lacinia sit amet dui. Nam vel tortor sed leo pulvinar ornare. (page break) _ipsum primis_ This is my comment... Is there any way to achieve this? Thanks, Alex