I'm getting a handle on page layout and headings but there are some things I haven't figured out. 1) How does one specify they want the "outer" margin to be a different size than the "inner" margin? "Outer," of course, is the right margin on a right-hand (odd) page and the left margin on a left-hand (even) page. 2) How does one put a frame around a margin? Layers? Overlay? \framedtext? 3) Am I correct I can use the "COMMAND" parameters in \setuplayout to specify there is some text to use as a marginal in the (chapter | section) header (using \margintext, I presume)? I am working on a couple of novels I want to typeset using ConTeXt since I think it will allow me to produce what I want for typographic style much easier than using LaTeX. I'm pretty adept at using LaTeX but brand new to ConTeXt. One of _my_ problems is so many examples on the wiki seem oriented towards people setting math which could not be farther from my intended usages. (Not that I'm unfamiliar with math, I have a degree in Physics and would have had a double degree in math except for a choice to take a different course (helpful in physics) instead of one mandatory for the math degree). Thanks! -- Bill Meahan K8QN "The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails." -- William Arthur Ward This message is digitally signed with an X.509 certificate to prove it is from me and has not been altered since it was sent.