Hopefully, this is not (too far) OT. I'm not sure how many on the list use Twitter but if you do, you still might not be aware of the daily "TeXTip" tweets. These contain a URL to one place on the web or another that have something to do with TeX/LaTeX usage. I'm thinking it would be great to have a daily "ConTeXtTip" tweet as well. Am I the only one? I'm way too much of a ConTeXt newbie or I'd do it myself. Of course, I _could_ serve as the Point Of Context and do the actual Tweeting of URLs or tips that fit into 140 characters that were emailed to me. If this is too far OT, my most profound apologies to the members of the list and especially the list masters. -- Bill Meahan K8QN "The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails." -- William Arthur Ward This message is digitally signed with an X.509 certificate to prove it is from me and has not been altered since it was sent.