I'm trying to get the SciTE lexers that come with the ConTeXt distribution working but I'm not having much luck. SciTE certainly processes the ConTeXt start-up script but never does any highlighting. I always get the warning that lpeg is not loaded but I cannot find any separate lpeg.properties file or lpeg.lua file so I don't know how to get it imported and active to run the lexers. Any suggestions? Interestingly, the lexers work just fine in Textadept but I haven't quite figured out how to get them to load automatically. I have to manually select the lexer but it works fine once I do. I'm inclined to go the Textadept route and build a nice snippets file and Adeptsense support but I'd like to see things running in SciTE, too. Right now I'm using Emacs to do my editing but AUCTeX does a poor job of supporting ConTeXt and when I asked about future plans on the AUCTeX mailing list, I got a snarky, sarcastic reply that "code doesn't change itself." Typical FSF attitude, I see. If I'm going to have to write my own support, Lua is much closer to the languages I've used before than elisp so it should be considerably easier. Of course, I'll pass on anything I come up with to the ConTeXt community. -- Bill Meahan K8QN "The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails." -- William Arthur Ward This message is digitally signed with an X.509 certificate to prove it is from me and has not been altered since it was sent.