
It frequently happens to me that a new line in an output-document starts just after a quotation mark. So I encounter lines in my ConTeX-created .pdf like:

"And the prince of Denmark spoke: '
?how weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world!' "

Its hard to say how often this happens but I'd say its roughly every 50 quotations.

A minimal example to see the problem in action: (also on http://pastebin.com/cEMiGZju)

\mainlanguage [de]


[left=„, right=“]

[left=„, right=“]


Bereiche der\quotation{waren transparent, so dass} man auf. \quotation{die darunterliegenden} Grafiken sehen konnte. \quotation{Die Paletten konnten mit der} nicht-dominanten \quotation{Hand bewegt werden} %gibberish content


I'm using LiveTex 2011/LuaTex typeset but the problem can be reproduced using the example code at http://live.contextgarden.net/ and the "XeTeX"-Setting.

Is there any fix to this problem?
You have to add \nobreak between the quotation mark and the text, e.g.


but I can give you better answer when you tell use why do you want to change
the delimiters as shown above because ? and ? are the default symbols for german
when you use \quotation.

Thanks! That did the job as far as I can see.
I did set the Quotation Marks manually since I considered to change them to Guillemets (» «) later.
