On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Wolfgang Schuster < schuster.wolfgang@googlemail.com> wrote: > > Am 25.05.2009 um 18:30 schrieb John Haltiwanger: > > I am not averse to rolling my own, I am just confused why, if environments >> are so powerful and flexible (flexible meaning one can easily change >> things, >> unlike document classes), there are no pre-rolled environments available. >> I >> am thinking here of standardized thesis environments for universities, or >> a >> nice letter environment to demonstrate the beauty of TeX. >> > > > There are a lot of letter styles are available for ConTeXt, what's wrong > with them? > > • http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Letter_style > • http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Letter > > Wolfgang > Thank you for those! I had not come across them yet. I was responding to Henning's statement that "there are nearly no ready-to-use ConTeXt environments available". In fact I realize I had misread that until right now, having missed the 'nearly' that qualifies the statement. Sorry for the confusion. Also, I don't want it to seem like I don't enjoy rolling my own documents. While I'm new at it, I quite like interfacing with documents in this 'programming' way. Thank you, John C. Haltiwanger