On 02/10/2022 10:55, Fabrice Couvreur via ntg-context wrote: > Initially, there was a bug with maro numberstriped() and Hans suggested > another sensible approach to me, but you don't get the same shape of the > hatches depending on the dimensions of the squares. some unexpected side effect show up when the unitsquare is xyscaled to a rectangle like (2.5cm,1cm) it seems related to the angle chosen e.g. \startMPcode path p, q, r, b ; p := unitsquare xyscaled (4cm,4cm) ; q := unitsquare xyscaled (1cm,1cm) shifted(0,3cm) ; r := unitsquare xyscaled (2.5cm,1cm) shifted(1cm,3cm) ; b := unitsquare xyscaled (3cm,3cm) shifted(1cm,0) ; draw r anglestriped (1,35,2) withcolor red; draw q anglestriped (1,35,2) withcolor green; draw b anglestriped (1,35,2) withcolor cyan; draw p; draw q; draw b; draw r; label.llft("D", p) ; label.lrt("C", p) ; label.ulft("A", p) ; label.urt("B", p) ; label.urt("P", lrcorner r) ; label.lft("Q", llcorner r) ; label.top("M", urcorner r) ; \stopMPcode