Hi, I'm willing to look into extensions later this year but we should then collect the wishes first. I know that for instance Tobias has some wishes with regards to straight lines [not that complicated] and i'm sure that Willy has some too. while with half-grid steps I could put the intermediate link box 0 >(which btw shows as an empty dot; how to make it disappear so that i see no quick hack [have to print the module] for the dot. >A second question is about connection points. Despite the >recommendations in the manual about trying to avoid multiple >(outgoing) links per side (using e.g. [-b] or [+b]), I find this >possibility helpful, and actually essential in the above mentioned >example, where "Box 1" has two connection at the bottom (left and >right). (Yes I know I should rearrange the chart, but I don't want >to; I prefer it this way.) this looks doable and is mostly a matter of interfacing >However, these connections are too spaced away, because they are >at about 1/4, 3/4 of the side, which is essential if a third >connection (midpoint) is used, but sub-optimal when only two >connections are used (a better positioning in this case would be >to use a 1/3, 2/3 spacing). The suggestion resolves finally in >either giving the user the possibility to control position of the >connection points, or providing automatically the best position >depending on how many connection points are actually used. (And >what about allowing the users to have "as many connection points >per side as desired"? Imagine a (horrible?) thing with five >connection points: ++b, +b, b, -b, --b !) horrible indeed but 1 / 2 / 3 / 5 connections as option are ok >Finally: why do corner radius and arrow size share the same value? >Is there a way to change the value for some connections only and >activate/deactivate arrows for specific connections? is there a >way to force a straight arrow even when by default it would come >out bended? i suppose that you looked into m-chart -) most is configurable in the mp module, so again it's mostly a matter of interfacing [and lazyness of me] concerning changes in settings: you can change them in the flow and use grouping if needed, so you can have one connection with arrows and another with no arrows. Also: for lovers of i have a xml interface to flowcharts; combined with mathml and stepcharts and alike, this gives impressive chunks of xml Hans