preview-latex in a nutshell *************************** Does your neck hurt from turning between previewer windows and the source too often? This Elisp/LaTeX package will render your displayed LaTeX equations right into the editing window where they belong. The purpose of preview-latex is to embed LaTeX environments such as display math or figures into the source buffers. By mouse-clicking, you can open the original text. After editing, another click will just run the region in question through LaTeX and redisplay the new results. If preview-latex has not come in the form of a preinstalled package for you, consult the `INSTALL' file for installation instructions (especially, read the Prerequisites section). Activating preview-latex ======================== After installation, the package may need to be activated (and remember to activate AUC TeX too). In XEmacs, and in some prepackaged versions for GNU Emacs, activation is automatic upon installation, but otherwise, the activation line that needs to be added to your own `.emacs' file or to a site-wide initialization file is (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook #'LaTeX-preview-setup) For a well-configured prepackaged version, no more than that should be required. If you installed preview-latex yourself, at least the line (autoload 'LaTeX-preview-setup "preview") is also needed. And in case the directory to which the Elisp files have been installed is not known to Emacs, a line like (add-to-list 'load-path "/WHATEVER/DIRECTORY") needs to be added as well. Getting started =============== Once activated, preview-latex and its documentation will be accessible from AUC TeX's menus. When you have loaded a LaTeX document (a sample document `circ.tex' is included in the distribution, but most documents including math and/or figures should do), you should be able to spot "Preview" in AUC TeX's menus. Use the menus, or press `C-c C-c g ' (for the menu entry `Command/Generate Preview') or `C-c C-p C-d' (for `LaTeX/Preview/Document'). Previews will now be generated for various objects in your document. You can use the time to take a short look at the other menu entries and key bindings in the `LaTeX/Preview' menu. You'll see the previewed objects change into a roadworks sign when preview-latex has determined just what it is going to preview. Note that you can freely navigate the buffer while this is going on. When the process is finished you will see the objects typeset in your buffer. It is a bad idea, however, to edit the buffer before the roadworks signs appear, since that is the moment when the correlation between the original text and the buffer locations gets established. If the buffer changes before that point of time, the previews will not be placed where they belong. If you do want to change some obvious error you just spotted, we recommend you stop the background process by pressing `C-c C-k'. To see/edit the LaTeX code for a specific object, put the point (the cursor) on it and press `C-c C-p C-p' (for `LaTeX/Preview/on/off at point'). It will also do to click with the middle mouse button on the preview. Now you can edit the code, and generate a new preview by again pressing `C-c C-p C-p' (or by clicking with the middle mouse button on the icon before the edited text). If you are using the `desktop' package, previews will remain from one session to the next as long as you don't kill your buffer. If you are using XEmacs, you will probably need to upgrade the package to the newest one; things are being fixed just as I am writing this. More documentation ================== After the installation, documentation in the form of an info manual will be available. You can access it with the standalone info reader with info preview-latex or by pressing `C-h i d m preview-latex ' in Emacs. Once preview-latex is activated, you can instead use `C-c C-p ' (or the menu entry `LaTeX/Preview/Read documentation'). Depending on your installation, a printable manual may also be available in the form of `preview-latex.dvi' or `'. Detailed documentation for the LaTeX style used for extracting the preview images is placed in `preview.dvi' in a suitable directory during installation; on typical teTeX-based systems, texdoc preview will display it. Availability ============ The preview-latex project is available at SourceForge. In addition to the main source tarball, we provide prebuilt documentation files there for those lacking a recent enough version of makeinfo, and source and binary `.rpm' files suitable for a recent RedHat system. Anonymous CVS is available as well. The SourceForge project page of preview-latex is `'. Contacts ======== Bug reports should be sent by using `M-x preview-report-bug ', as this will fill in a lot of information interesting to us. If the installation fails (but this should be a rare event), report bugs to . Questions, suggestions for new features, pleas for help, and/or praise should go to (the preview-latex devel team). For more information on this mailing list, send a message with just the word `help' as subject or body to or look at `'. Please use the command `M-x preview-report-bug ' to report bugs if possible. Offers to support further development will be appreciated. For developer access, ask on .