% interface=en output=pdftex %\let\defXMLstring\defXMLclean % \nobigmath % 4,798,990 % 4,798,951 % ... since this is a nice document for testing context, let's % do as such. During optimizing the xml processor, runtime % went down from 259 to 220 (from 466 before optimization % with the old xml handler); mid june 2001 we're at 212 sec on % a 650 mhz PIII. Then times went up a bit when the parser % became more mature. % % Begin oct 2001 we're doing 147 sec on a 1000 mhz PIII, and % mid oct we reached 139 sec. Around oct 20 2001, we first % dropped to 128 sec. These savings are due to a more % efficient xml handler, a couple of optimizations, a better % expansion handler, and etex based marks. And, a optimized % getparameters and assignment gave us another 3 seconds, so % at oct 24 we were at 125 sec, eh ... 123 sec after do*empty % was optimized (and made uglier). At november 1 we needed % 121 seconds. Hm, optimizing language (pattern) % synchronization saves 4 seconds, so todays score (nov 2) is % 117 sec and the day after that we reached 109 seconds (all % font encoding/mapping/etc synchronisations). Optimizing % symbol resolving gives 4 seconds while optimization of % defining a glyph font (no parsing needed) brings runtime to % about 100 sec (98 sec for a cached run). Simplified % specials (no or supported) can bring this down to 93 sec, % eh, 92 sec on nov 5 when we also avoid a couple of jump % over if by next things that are no longer needed. Actually, % there is much speed to gain from avoiding parameter % setting, and slow commalist processing as in for instance % section head placement (we're on 89 sec now) so once these % modules are cleaned up ... 88 after some small list % optimizations, and a sudden (once) 87 sec when plain was % redone. A new reference check mechanism brought us to 85 % seconds (and I guess that better menu handling ...)! Now, % with transparency moving into the color mechanism we need a % faster color module, so (without transparency) we are down % to 84 sec. % % At this moment, my estimation was that end december wec % could reach 80 seconds, but ... some language optimizations % were good for the first signs of ... 83 seconds and some % minor attribute hacks make us reach 82 sec. Oeps, % optimizing global bodyfont resetting can bring us below 80 % sec! If that hack is ok, we're down to 79 sec (nov 26). % After a couple of simple calls instead of semi complex % ones, we're now at a sound 78 sec (nov 28). Page number % optimizations made us drop to pretty stable 77 sec and % after some button and menu optimizations we arrived at % 74 eh .. 73 sec .. so it seems that there it makes sense % to optimize high level macros. % % A slight adaption of the xml handling down here can % speed things up; no redundant erases: 72 sec. The first 71 % seconds runtime was reported after optimizing blank skips. We % now cycle a bit around 71 seconds, with new string split % routines giving a constant performance (and 1 sec on the % metafun run). \useXMLfilter[ent] %D The layout is rather simple. We don't use complicated %D (undocumented) features. \useURL[ntg-www] [http://www.ntg.nl] \useURL[ntg-mail][mailto:info@ntg.nl] \setupreferencing [convertfile=big] \setuppapersize [S6][S6] \setuplayout [topspace=10pt, backspace=10pt, rightedge=120pt, rightedgedistance=20pt, width=440pt, margin=0pt, height=fit, header=0pt, footer=0pt, % bottomdistance=10pt, bottomdistance=20pt, bottom=20pt] \setupbodyfont [lbr,10pt] \usesymbols [nav] \setupsymbolset [navigation 1] \setupcolors [state=local] % \setupbackgrounds % [page] % [background=screen] % % \setupbackgrounds % [text,bottom] % [rightedge] % [background=color, % backgroundcolor=darkblue, % backgroundoffset=10pt] \startreusableMPgraphic{PageBackground A} StartPage ; fill Page withcolor .85white ; fill (ulcorner Field[Text] [RightEdge] -- urcorner Field[Text] [RightEdge] -- lrcorner Field[Bottom][RightEdge] -- llcorner Field[Bottom][RightEdge] -- cycle) enlarged 10pt withcolor \MPcolor{darkblue} ; StopPage ; \stopreusableMPgraphic \startreusableMPgraphic{PageBackground B} StartPage ; fill Page withcolor .85white ; fill (ulcorner Field[Text] [RightEdge] -- urcorner Field[Text] [RightEdge] -- lrcorner Field[Bottom][RightEdge] -- llcorner Field[Bottom][RightEdge] -- cycle) enlarged 10pt withcolor \MPcolor{darkblue} ; def bottom_menu_button (expr nn, rr, pp, xx, yy, ww, hh, dd) = fill unitsquare xscaled ww yscaled hh shifted (xx,yy) withcolor \MPcolor{darkblue} ; enddef ; \MPmenubuttons{bottom} ; StopPage ; \stopreusableMPgraphic \defineoverlay[PageBackground A][\reuseMPgraphic{PageBackground A}] \defineoverlay[PageBackground B][\reuseMPgraphic{PageBackground B}] \setupinteraction [state=start, page=yes, title=MAPS bibliography, author={NTG / Hans Hagen}, style=\ssbf, symbolset=navigation 1, color=darkred, contrastcolor=white, % darkred, openaction=, menu=on] \setuptolerance [verytolerant] \defineregister [keyword] [keywords] \defineregister [author] [authors] \defineregister [titlebyauthor] [titlesbyauthor] \setupregister [keyword,author] [coupling=yes] \setupregister [titlebyauthor] [n=1, symbol=none, interaction=text, indicator=no] \setupregister [keyword,author,titlebyauthor] [maxwidth=.8\hsize, expansion=yes] \coupleregister [keyword] \coupleregister [author] \setupinteractionmenu [bottom] [state=start, height=\bottomheight, frame=off, samepage=empty, unknownreference=empty, color=white, contrastcolor=white, style=\ssbf] \startinteractionmenu[bottom] \but [publications] publications \\ \but [keywords] keywords \\ \but [authors] authors \\ \but [titles] titles \\ \but [ntg] introduction \\ \but [previoussubpage] previous \\ \but [nextsubpage] next \\ \but [SearchDocument] search \\ \but [CloseDocument] exit \\ \stopinteractionmenu \setupinteractionmenu [right] [state=start, frame=off, color=white, contrastcolor=white, style=\ssbfb, samepage=empty, unknownreference=empty, distance=overlay] \startinteractionmenu[right] \boxofsize \vbox \textheight \bottomdistance \bottomheight \bgroup \setupalign[middle] \but [publications] publications \\ \but [keywords] keywords \\ \but [authors] authors \\ \but [titles] titles \\ \but [ntg] introduction \\ \vfill \but [previoussubpage] previous \\ \but [nextsubpage] next \\ \but [CloseDocument] exit \\ \unskip \egroup \stopinteractionmenu \definehead [structuralelement] [chapter] \definehead [publication] [chapter] \definehead [publicationtitle] [section] \setuphead [chapter,section] [style=\bfb, before=, after={\blank[3*medium]}, align={right,broad}, number=no] \setupsubpagenumber [state=start, way=bychapter] \setuplist [publication,publicationtitle] [alternative=f, interaction=all, maxwidth=.8\textwidth, before=,after=] \setuphead [publication,publicationtitle] [expansion=yes] \setupmarking [publication,publicationtitle] [expansion=yes] \setupbuttons [color=white, style=\ssbfb, frame=off] \defineinteractionmenu [publication][right] [color=white, contrastcolor=white, frame=off, style=\ssbf, samepage=empty, unknownreference=empty, distance=overlay] \defineinteractionmenu [navigation][right] [color=white, contrastcolor=white, distance=overlay, width=.4\rightedgewidth, frame=off, style=\ssbfb\setstrut\strut, samepage=empty, unknownreference=empty, samepage=yes] \def\indexmenu[#1]#2#3% {\setupalign[middle] \noindent\button{#3}[#1] \blank \registermenubuttons[navigation][#2]} \startreusableMPgraphic{EN} u := 1cm/12 ; path p ; p := unitsquare xyscaled(8u,4u) ; fill p withcolor \MPcolor{darkblue} ; drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled .75u withcolor white) ; draw ( 0, 0) -- (8u,4u) ; draw ( 0,4u) -- (8u, 0) ; drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled .25u withcolor \MPcolor{darkred}) ; draw (( 0, 0) -- (4u,2u)) shifted (0, -.125u) ; draw (( 0,4u) -- (4u,2u)) shifted (0, -.125u) ; draw ((8u,4u) -- (4u,2u)) shifted (0, .125u) ; draw ((8u, 0) -- (4u,2u)) shifted (0, .125u) ; drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 1.25u withcolor white) ; draw ( 0,2u) -- (8u,2u) ; draw (4u, 0) -- (4u,4u) ; drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled .75u withcolor \MPcolor{darkred}) ; draw ( 0,2u) -- (8u,2u) ; draw (4u, 0) -- (4u,4u) ; clip currentpicture to p ; setbounds currentpicture to p enlarged .5pt ; interim linejoin := 0 ; drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor .85white) ; draw boundingbox currentpicture ; \stopreusableMPgraphic \startreusableMPgraphic{NL} u := 1cm/12 ; path p, q ; p := unitsquare xyscaled(8u,4u) ; q := unitsquare xyscaled(8u,4u/3) ; fill q shifted (0,2/3*4u) withcolor \MPcolor{darkred} ; fill q shifted (0,1/3*4u) withcolor white ; fill q withcolor \MPcolor{darkblue} ; clip currentpicture to p ; setbounds currentpicture to p enlarged .5pt ; interim linejoin := 0 ; drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor .85white) ; draw boundingbox currentpicture ; \stopreusableMPgraphic %D The \XML\ structure definitions are all defined at the %D outer level which is faster. In this document there %D is no need for local definitions, although it is %D supported %D The link between \TEX\ and \XML\ is as follows. \let \CurrentVolume \empty \let \CurrentYear \empty \let \CurrentPages \empty \let \CurrentSize \empty \let \CurrentId \empty \let \CurrentFileId \empty \let \CurrentType \empty \let \CurrentIndex \empty \let \CurrentLanguage \empty \let \CurrentPublication \empty \defineXMLenvironment [bib] {\page\bgroup} {\page\egroup} \defineXMLenvironment [bibentry] [type=,id=,language=] {\StartBibEntry} {\StopBibEntry} \defineXMLpush [title] \defineXMLpush [booktitle] \defineXMLpush [author] \defineXMLenvironment [au] [index=] {\StartAuthor} {\StopAuthor} \defineXMLpush [fn] \defineXMLpush [prf] \defineXMLpush [sn] \defineXMLenvironment [published] [volume=,yes=,pages=,size=] {\StartPublished} {\StopPublished} \defineXMLpush [series] \defineXMLpush [journal] \defineXMLpush [publisher] \defineXMLpush [keywords] \defineXMLargument [key] [index=] {\HandleKey} \defineXMLpush [editor] \defineXMLpush [abstract] \def\StartBibEntry {\bgroup \defXMLop\CurrentType {type} \defXMLop\CurrentId {id} \defXMLop\CurrentLanguage{language}} \def\StopBibEntry {\processaction [\CurrentType] [inproceedings=>\HandleBook , article=>\HandleJournal, message=>\HandleJournal, verslag=>\HandleJournal, proceedings=> , book=> , unknown=>\wait ] \egroup} \def\HandleBook% {\CheckPublication{booktitle}{}{} \HandlePublication} \def\HandleJournal% {\CheckPublication{journal}{\CurrentVolume}{\CurrentYear} \HandlePublication} \def\CheckPublication#1#2#3% {\doifnot{\XMLpop{#1}#2#3}{\CurrentPublication} % dirty {\xdef\CurrentPublication{\XMLpop{#1}#2#3} \xdef\CurrentPublicationText{\XMLpop{#1}\space#2\quad#3} \doglobal\defXMLstring\CurrentPublicationAscii{#1} \xdef\CurrentPublicationAscii{\CurrentPublicationAscii#2} \publication[\CurrentPublicationAscii]{\XMLpop{#1}\space#2\quad#3} \placelist[publicationtitle] \page}} \def\HandlePublication% {\setupinteractionmenu[right][state=stop] \setupinteractionmenu[publication][state=start] \SanitizeMapsFileName \setupbottomtexts [edge][][{\hfill\menubutton[bottom]{view}[\CurrentId::]\hfill}] \doglobal\defXMLstring\CurrentTitleAscii{title}% \publicationtitle{\XMLpop{title}} \bgroup \lowercasestring\CurrentLanguage\to\CurrentLanguage \language[\CurrentLanguage] \doifXMLdataelse{abstract} {\ignorespaces\XMLpop{abstract}} {\sl geen samenvatting (no abstract)} \par\egroup \page} \def\SanitizeMapsFileName % dirty trick to replace - by _ {\bgroup \lccode`\-=`\_ \doglobal\lowercasestring\CurrentId\to\CurrentId \egroup} \def\StartPublished {\defXMLop\CurrentVolume{volume}% \defXMLop\CurrentYear {year}% \defXMLop\CurrentPages {pages}% \defXMLop\CurrentSize {size}} \def\StopPublished {} \def\StartAuthor {\bgroup} \def\StopAuthor {\noindent % not earlier, otherwise spurious spaces \def\CurrentIndex{\XMLpop{sn}\XMLpop{fn}\XMLpop{prf}}% \doglobal\defXMLstring\CurrentTitleAscii{title}% \defXMLstring\CurrentIndexAsciiA{sn}% \defXMLstring\CurrentIndexAsciiB{fn}% \defXMLstring\CurrentIndexAsciiC{prf}% \doifXMLdata{fn} {\XMLappend{fn} \space}% \doifXMLdata{prf}{\XMLappend{prf}\space}% \edef\CurrentIndexAscii% {\CurrentIndexAsciiA\CurrentIndexAsciiB\CurrentIndexAsciiC}% \defXMLlowerclean\CurrentTitleAscii \defXMLlowerclean\CurrentIndexAscii \ifx\CurrentIndexAscii\empty \else \noindent\hbox to \hsize {\strut \hss \titlebyauthor [&\CurrentIndexAscii&\CurrentTitleAscii] {\XMLpop{fn}\XMLpop{prf}\XMLpop{sn}&\XMLpop{title}}% \coupledauthor [&\CurrentIndexAscii] {\XMLpop{fn}\XMLpop{prf}\XMLpop{sn}}% \hss}% \fi \egroup \par} \def\HandleKey#1% push en pop in een, toch process {\noindent \hbox to \hsize {\strut \hfill\ignorespaces \doifelsenothingXMLop{index} {\coupledkeyword{#1}} {\coupledkeyword[&\XMLop{index}]{#1}}% \unskip\hfill} \par} % \usemodule[contml] -) \defineXMLenvironment [br] {\blank} {} \defineXMLenvironment [tt] {\bgroup\tt} {\egroup} \defineXMLenvironment [em] {\bgroup\em} {\egroup} \defineXMLenvironment [itemize] {\startitemize[packed]} {\stopitemize} \defineXMLenvironment [item] {\item} {} \startinteractionmenu[publication] \boxofsize \vbox \textheight 10pt \bgroup \setupinteraction[color=white] \startalignment[middle] \topskipcorrection \ssbf\setupinterlinespace \XMLpop{keywords} \vfill \XMLpop{author} \vfill \noindent\gotobox {\strut\limitatetext{\CurrentPublicationText}{.8\hsize}{...}}% [\CurrentPublicationAscii] \blank \uppercasestring\CurrentLanguage\to\CurrentLanguage \hbox to \hsize {\strut\yellow \hfill \llap{p\space\CurrentPages\enspace}% \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{p}% \lower\dp\scratchbox\hbox{\reuseMPgraphic{\CurrentLanguage}}% \rlap{\enspace\CurrentSize\space kB}% \hfill} \stopalignment \egroup \stopinteractionmenu \starttext \setuplayout[bottom=0pt] \NormalizeFontWidth\FontA {NTG}{.6\hsize}{SansBold} \NormalizeFontWidth\FontB {\TeX\ GEBRUIKERSGROEP}{.4\hsize}{SansBold} \NormalizeFontWidth\FontC {BIBLIOGRAPHY}{.5\hsize}{SansBold} \setupbackgrounds [page] [background=PageBackground A] \startstandardmakeup \gotobox{\externalfigure[mapslogo.pdf][width=.8\hsize]}[URL(ntg-www)] \vfill \ssbfb\setstrut \rightaligned{\FontC MAPS} \rightaligned{\FontC BIBLIOGRAPHY} \vskip9.5pt \rightaligned{Volumes 1--24, March 2001} % \currentdate} \vskip1pt \stopstandardmakeup \setuplayout[bottom=20pt] \structuralelement[publications]{Publications} \setupbackgrounds % all pages are the same [page] [background=PageBackground B] \setupinteractionmenu [bottom] [position=yes] \startcolumns[n=3] \placelist[publication][criterium=all] \stopcolumns \page \setupinteractionmenu % saves tuo entries [bottom] [position=no] \processXMLfilegrouped{mapsbib.xml} \enableXMLfiledata \setupinteractionmenu[navigation][state=start] \setupinteractionmenu[right] [state=stop] \structuralelement[keywords]{Keywords} \startinteractionmenu[navigation] \indexmenu[keywords]{keyword}{Keywords} \stopinteractionmenu \startcolumns \placeregister[keyword] \stopcolumns \structuralelement[authors]{Authors} \startinteractionmenu[navigation] \indexmenu[authors]{author}{Authors} \stopinteractionmenu \startcolumns \placeregister[author] \stopcolumns \structuralelement[titles]{Titles} \startinteractionmenu[navigation] \indexmenu[titles]{titlebyauthor}{Titles} \stopinteractionmenu \placeregister[titlebyauthor] \structuralelement[ntg]{Introduction} % Nederlandstalige \TeX\ Gebruikersgroep} \setuplayout[bottom=0pt] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background=PageBackground A] \setupinteractionmenu[navigation][state=stop] \setupinteractionmenu[right] [state=start] % De Nederlandstalige \TeX\ Gebruikersgroep heeft tot doel % het in brede zin ondersteunen van de typografische % programmeertaal \TeX\ en het gelijknamige programma. In dat % kader worden regelmatig bijeenkomsten georganiseerd, % diverse mailinglijsten ondersteund en een tijdschrift % uitgegeven: de MAPS. Meer informatie over de NTG is te % vinden op: \goto {www.ntg.nl} [URL(ntg-www)]. % % \blank % % The main objective of the Dutch Language Oriented \TeX\ % Usersgroup is to support the typographic programming % language \TeX\ as well as the program with the same name. % In this perspective, the NTG organizes meetings, supports % several mailings lists, and publishes a magazine: the MAPS. % More information on the NTG can be found at: \goto {www.ntg.nl} % [URL(ntg-www)]. % % \blank % % This document is produced with the \ConTeXt\ macro package % and pdf\TeX. The input is coded in XML and directly processed % by \TeX. % % \blank % % Copyright: NTG, 2001. % % \stoptext \setupcolors[state=start] \definecolor [DutchColor] [darkred] \definecolor [EnglishColor] [black] % [s=.4] \def\startDutch {\blank \startnarrower[5*right] \setupinteraction[color=] \language[nl] \DutchColor} \def\startEnglish {\blank \startnarrower[5*left] \setupinteraction[color=] \language[en] \EnglishColor} \def\stopDutch {\stopnarrower \blank} \def\stopEnglish {\stopnarrower \blank} \startDutch Deze bibliografie omvat alle artikelen die in de eerste 24~nummers van NTG's tijdschrift MAPS zijn verschenen, plus de artikelen gepubliceerd in de proceedings van de Euro\TeX||conferentie in 1995, die door de NTG is georganiseerd. De bibliografie omvat in totaal ruim 700~artikelen. \stopDutch \startEnglish This bibliography contains all the articles published in the first 24~issues of NTG's journal MAPS, plus the articles from the proceedings of the Euro\TeX\ conference in 1995, which was organized by the NTG. In total it contains over 700~articles. \stopEnglish \startDutch We raden aan om Acrobat Reader in te stellen op `Full Screen' (via `View' menu) of op `Fit in Window'. `Full Screen' kan weer verlaten worden door op Esc te drukken. \stopDutch \startEnglish We recommend that you set Acrobat Reader's view to `Full Screen' (through `View' menu) or to `Fit in Window'. From `Full Screen' you can return to window view by pressing Esc. \stopEnglish \startDutch Door middel van indexen op titels, sleutelwoorden en auteurs kunnen artikelen eenvoudig opgezocht worden. Daarnaast kan gebruik worden gemaakt een standaard zoekfunctie door op de knop `search' te klikken. Door te klikken op de knoppen `previous' en `next' kan achteruit c.q. vooruit gebladerd worden. \stopDutch \startEnglish Indexes on titles, keywords and authors can be used to search for articles. A standard search feature is also available by clicking on the `search' button. The buttons `previous' and `next' can be used to move backwards and forwards. \stopEnglish \startDutch Met de knop `publications' kan naar een overzicht van alle tijdschriften worden gesprongen. De knoppen `keywords', `authors' en `titles' kunnen gebruikt worden om naar een van de indexen te springen. Met de `exit' knop kan het PDF||bestand gesloten worden. \stopDutch \startEnglish The button `publications' takes you to an overview of all journals. The buttons `keywords', `authors' and `titles' can be used to jump to one of the indexes. The `exit' button can be used to quit the PDF file. \stopEnglish \startDutch De informatie over publicaties staat in de rechterkolom en bevat de volgende items: \stopDutch \startEnglish Information about articles can be found in the right||hand column. It consists of the following items: \stopEnglish \startDutch Sleutelwoorden: als er driehoekige pijltjes bij staan dan zijn er meer artikelen met dit sleutelwoord. Door op zo'n pijltje te klikken wordt naar het vorige of volgende artikel met dit sleutelwoord gesprongen. \stopDutch \startEnglish Keywords: triangular arrows indicate that there are more articles supporting this keyword. By clicking on such an arrow you can jump to the previous or next article supporting this keyword. \stopEnglish \startDutch Auteurs: ook hierbij kunnen driehoekige pijltje staan waarmee naar andere artikelen van dezelfde auteur kan worden gesprongen. Door op een auteursnaam te klikken wordt gesprongen naar de auteursindex. \stopDutch \startEnglish Authors: again triangular arrows are used. They can be used to jump to articles written by the same author. By clicking on an author's name you can jump to the authors index. \stopEnglish \startDutch Tijdschrift, nummer en jaartal: deze spreken voor zich. Door op tijdschrift of jaartal te klikken wordt gesprongen naar een overzicht van alle artikelen in het betreffende tijdschrift. \stopDutch \startEnglish Journal, volume and year: these need no explanation. By clicking on journal or year you can jump to an overview of all articles published in the same journal. \stopEnglish \startDutch Paginanummers, taal en omvang: de paginanummers in het betreffende tijdschrijft worden gegeven, evenals de taal waarin het artikel is geschreven (Engels of Nederlands), en de omvang van het PDF||bestand in kilobytes. \stopDutch \startEnglish Page numbers, language and size: the page numbers of the article within the journal are given, along with the language in which the article was written (English or Dutch), and the size of the PDF file in kilobytes. \stopEnglish \startDutch Door op de knop `view' te drukken wordt het betreffende artikel getoond. Onthou dat in Acrobat Reader vanuit een getoond artikel teruggesprongen kan worden naar de bibliografie door op Ctrl||Shift||$\leftarrow$ te drukken (`Document', `Go Back Doc'). \stopDutch \startEnglish By clicking on the `view' button the selected article will be displayed. Remember that when the article is displayed in Acrobat Reader you can jump back to the bibliography by pressing Ctrl||Shift||$\leftarrow$ (`Document', `Go Back Doc'). \stopEnglish \startDutch De data in deze MAPS||bibliografie is gecodeerd in XML en rechtstreeks verwerkt met behulp van \ConTeXt\ en pdf\TeX\ tot dit PDF||bestand. De 748~items in de bibliografie resulteren in een PDF||bestand van circa 5~megabytes, waarin ruim 800~pagina's zitten en meer dan 19.000 hyperlinks. Het XML||bestand (\type {mapsbib.xml}) en bijbehorende DTD (\type {mapsbib.dtd}) staan ook op deze cdrom. Voor de aardigheid is \type {mapsbib.xml} eveneens in PDF meegeleverd. \stopDutch \startEnglish The data in this MAPS bibliography was coded in XML and directly processed into PDF using \ConTeXt\ and pdf\TeX. The 748~items in the bibliography lead to a PDF file of approximately 5~megabytes which contains over 800~pages and more than 19,000 hyperlinks. The XML file (\type {mapsbib.xml}) and the associated DTD (\type {mapsbib.dtd}) can also be found on this cdrom. Just for fun \type {mapsbib.xml} is also available in PDF. \stopEnglish \startDutch Deze cdrom is copyright \copyright\ 2001 Nederlandstalige \TeX\ Gebruikersgroep. \stopDutch \startEnglish This cdrom is copyright \copyright\ 2001 Nederlandstalige \TeX\ Gebruikersgroep (Dutch Language Oriented \TeX\ User Group). \stopEnglish \startDutch De Nederlandstalige \TeX\ Gebruikersgroep heeft tot doel het in brede zin ondersteunen van de typografische programmeertaal \TeX\ en het gelijknamige programma. In dat kader worden regelmatig bijeenkomsten en cursussen georganiseerd, diverse mailinglijsten ondersteund en het tijdschrift MAPS uitgegeven. Meer informatie over de NTG is te vinden op de website \goto {www.ntg.nl} [URL(ntg-www)] en is per email aan \goto {info@ntg.nl} [URL(ntg-mail)] te verkrijgen. \stopDutch \startEnglish The main objective of the Dutch Language Oriented \TeX\ User Group is to support the typographic programming language \TeX\ as well as the program with the same name. In this perspective, the NTG organizes meetings and courses, it supports several mailings lists, and publishes the journal MAPS. More information on the NTG can be found at the website \goto {www.ntg.nl} [URL(ntg-www)] or can be requested by sending email to \goto {info@ntg.nl} [URL(ntg-mail)]. \stopEnglish \startDutch Nederlandstalige \TeX\ Gebruikersgroep, mei 2001 \stopDutch \startEnglish Dutch Language Oriented \TeX\ User group, May 2001 \stopEnglish \stoptext