Dear Hans,

Thank you for the explanation.
Since those messages takes too many lines in the log file, I ask about it.
I prefer to suppress them. But, someone want to see them.

Since there is no problem to compile, it is OK to let them shown for some one want to know what happened.
Best regards,


2020. 11. 10. 오전 1:12, Hans Hagen <> 작성:

On 11/8/2020 8:05 PM, Jeong Dal wrote:
The following example creates so many lines of messages about fonts in the log.
\definefontfeature [default] [default] [script=hang,language=kor]
Korean sentences.
한글이 아름답습니다.
fonts           > 'fallback modern-designsize rm 12pt' is loaded
fonts           > defining > font 'notoserifcjkkrregular', feature 'vert', script 'grek', no language 'kor'
fonts           > defining > font 'notoserifcjkkrregular', feature 'vert', script 'latn', no language 'kor'
fonts           > defining > font 'notoserifcjkkrregular', feature 'vert', script 'kana', no language 'kor'
fonts           > defining > font 'notoserifcjkkrregular', feature 'vert', script 'cyrl', no language 'kor'
fonts           > defining > font 'notoserifcjkkrregular', feature 'vert', script 'dflt', no language 'kor'
fonts           > defining > f
Is there a way to suppress messages?
Of course, there is no problem to get the output.
it depends if you're interested in it ... i kept it for cases where users expect some feature to work while the font doesn't have it but I have no problem making it optional


                                         Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
             Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
      tel: 038 477 53 69 | |