Thankyou luigi. The suggestion provided below worked. I wish I understood why context thought that a cell height to two rows were needed, but the combination of \hbox and alignment of lohi is a reasonable workaround. -Lance On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Lance Larsen > wrote: > I created the following table, but I am running into a mysterious > problem. When I include the text 'Geometry Calulations' in row 2, the > table row expands as if this text takes up lines of text. However the > text fits well within the cell length, and the text itself remains on > one line. If I delete 'Geometry Calculations', the height of row 2 is > the height of one line of text. How do I fix this? I have included > snapshots of what I am getting with and without 'Geometry > Calculations' included. Any help or insight is appreciated. > > \setupTABLE[c][1][width=0.16\textwidth] > \setupTABLE[c][2,3,4][width=0.13\textwidth] > \setupTABLE[c][5][width=0.20\textwidth, align=middle] > \setupTABLE[c][6][width=0.25\textwidth, align=middle] > \bTABLE[width=0.5\textwidth, rulethickness=0.5pt] > \bTR \bTD[nc=2] \bf ~\cb Preliminary \cb Final \eTD > \bTD[align=middle] \bf Revision \eTD \bTD[align=middle] X \eTD \bTD > \bf Document ID \eTD \bTD \DocID \eTD \eTR > \bTR \bTD[nc=2] \bf ~Document Title: \eTD \bTD[nc=4,align=middle] > Geometry Calculations \eTD \eTR > \bTR \bTD[nc=2] \bf ~Originating Discipline: \eTD > \bTD[nc=4,align=middle] \OrigDisc > \eTD \eTR > \bTR \bTD[nc=2] \bf ~Effective Date: \eTD \bTD[nc=3] \tfx ~\cb > Approval Date \sp\sp\cb Other: ________ \eTD \bTD > Page~\pagenumber~of~\totalnumberofpages \eTD \eTR > \bTR \bTD \bf ~Issued for: \eTD \bTD[nc=5,align=middle] > \tfx Phase 1 Design \cb\sp Phase 2 Design \cb\sp Phase 3 Design \cb\sp > Input to DCD \cb\sp N/A \cb \eTD \eTR > \eTABLE > > -Lance Larsen \bTR \bTD[nc=2,style=bold,align={flushleft,lohi}] \hbox{~Document Title} \eTD \bTD[nc=4,align=middle] Geometry Calculations \eTD \eTR seems to fix the things. -- luigi