On 6/22/2013 1:43 AM, Andres Conrado Montoya wrote: > Hello friends. > I'm trying to design a book using the typescript you can find at the > end of this message. I'm using the beautiful EBGaramond fonts from > Georg Duffner (http://www.georgduffner.at/ebgaramond/). This font > provides optical sizes to be used in different sizes (named "12" for > 10.1pt or more, and "8" for 10 or less. These fonts automatically work > as expected in latex, thanks to a recent package included in CTAN > (ebgaramond package), selecting the correct font for the appropriate > size. However, the typescript I'm using selects the "8" size for > everything, without taking the type size into consideration. Is there > any way to make ConTeXt do this automatic selection of fonts regarding > of type size? I'm using version 2013.06.10 22:51. We have no feature 'size' (or I must have forgotten about it). As there is no consistency in designsizes and there is always some esthetic choice involved no automatic mechanism is (and will be) build in. However, as the traditional tex fonts come in designsizes we do have a way to deal with them via so called font goodies. I made you a goodie file for ebgaramond as well as typescript. (You need to convince Mojca to add the otf fonts to the distribution.) Just put the goodie and typescript files in the base path and run mtxrun --generate after that. We need to choose a proper matching math font (or seek funding for a gust garamond math font project). The demo file shows how to kick in Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------