Hi! I have tried to run the following codeexample with no success \usemodule [gnuplot] \setupGNUPLOTterminal [context] [width=5in,height=2.5in,fontscale=0.9] \setupGNUPLOTterminal [tikz][width=5in,height=2.5in,fontscale=0.9] \starttext \startGNUPLOTinclusions set samples 400 set key left Left reverse \stopGNUPLOTinclusion \startGNUPLOTscript[myfunction] set zeroaxis set format y "%.1f" plot [-4:2][0:2] 1 t '' lt 0, exp(x) t '$e^x$' lt 1 lw 3 plot cos(atan(x))*sin(x) t '$\cos(\arctan(x))\sin(x)$' lw 3 lc 3 \stopGNUPLOTscript \placefigure{none}{\useGNUPLOTgraphic[myfunction][2]} \setupGNUPLOT [terminal=tikz] \placefigure{none}{\useGNUPLOTgraphic[myfunction][1]} \stoptext I’ve done the following in my LMTX installation mtxrun —generate context —make —all I am running gnuplot 5.2 installed via brew and I also checked that the terminal tikz is supported via set term So the module seems to be there Is there something more I need to do? Regards Janne