The following code processes cleanly under TL2013 and fails with ConTeXt ver: 2014.02.14 17:07 MKIV beta fmt: 2014.2.16 int: english/english. I suspect a regression, but I am also open to being told that I am doing things incorrectly. I also notice that it fails (even under TL2013) if a space is inserted after [#SETUP] in the doTrans intro. I thought that spaces should be allowed in \starttexdefinition -- is this only in the body and not the parameter description? % macros=mkvi \showframe \let\EndTranslation\relax \starttexdefinition Trans \dosingleempty\doTrans \stoptexdefinition % The following should work, but fails with current beta \starttexdefinition doTrans [#SETUP]#TRANSLATION\EndTranslation \language[en] \doifsomething{#1}{\getparameters[TR][setup=,#SETUP]\TRsetup} \noindentation\blank[halfline] (\,\ignorespaces#TRANSLATION\removeunwantedspaces\,) \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition Translation \dosingleempty\doTranslation \stoptexdefinition % This version works with both Texlive and current standalone beta \def\doTranslation[#SETUP]#TRANSLATION\EndTranslation% {\language[en]% \doifsomething{#SETUP}% {\getparameters[TR][setup=,#SETUP]\TRsetup}% \noindentation\blank[halfline]% (\,\ignorespaces#TRANSLATION\removeunwantedspaces\,)% } \starttext Translation using \tex{def}{\tex{doTranslation}} works both with TL2013 and current beta. \Translation[language=en] It betrays a slow-witted mentality to pursue the streams, but not to see the sources of things. \EndTranslation \blank Translation using \tex{starttexdef doTrans} fails with current beta. \Trans[language=en] It betrays a slow-witted mentality to pursue the streams, but not to see the sources of things. \EndTranslation \stoptext -- Rik Kabel