
A friend of mine asked me to produce a small book of three of her short stories for from a word document.  On looking at the site I suggested I do a conversion to pdf since it would look much better and FeedARead recommend uploading pdf over word as well.  So I set about using Context to produce a simple pdf for upload using the structure below:

\definepapersize[leela][width=5in, height=8in]











\midaligned{\tfd{Title Page}}


FeedAReed blurb and copyright notice goes here.






\input knuth\par




\input zapf\par




\input tufte\par



As you can see it's nothing fancy but is produces nice copy. However, when my friend uploaded to FeedARead she received back this comment:

Please note that you have uploaded TWO pages of your book per one 5 inch wide x 8 inch high page e.g. on your file there would be two book pages of print per page and not one per page as required.

I did notice that when viewed in Adobe Reader, V11.0.6, it displays two pages on the screen at a time but on checking the documents properties it shows the correct page size so I thought it was OK. I've had a look on the wiki but haven't found anything obviously wrong in what I've done above. Is their something I'm missing in \definepapersize or \setuppapersize? I really don't want to have to tell her to upload the word doc.

Thanks and Best Wishes